Filling out a certificate for a notary about the registration of the deceased


A certificate confirming the address of registration or permanent residence of the deceased will be required to be submitted to a notary. The document is required when the rights to inherit the property of the deceased are formalized.

Sample application

The statement can be made like this:

  • Download examples of the completed application in Doc format
  • Download examples of the completed application in pdf format
  • Download application templates in Doc format
  • Download application templates in pdf format

What the help looks like

A certificate of the last place of residence of the deceased may look like:

The document should contain the following information:

  • Full name of the deceased;
  • Date of birth and death;
  • The address of the place of permanent residence and registration at the time of death;
  • The number of other persons registered or residing at this address. If there were none, this is reported. The full names of all cohabitants and family ties between them and the deceased must be indicated;
  • If at the time of issuance of the certificate one or more roommates have died or were discharged, the dates of death or deregistration must be mentioned;
  • In the final part, the names of the head of the organization that issued the document and the employee who drew up the certificate must be indicated. The data is certified by their signatures and the seal of the institution.

Features of filling

The application is drawn up in an arbitrary way. It should have a hat, the main part and the final one. The filling is done as follows:

  • The cap begins with an indication of where or to whom the application is sent. This may be the name of a multifunctional center, HOA, FMS, management company. Also, the paper can be sent to the head of the village administration;
  • Next, the full name of the applicant, his passport data, residence address, contact information are provided;
  • The main part describes the request: provide an extract from the house book - extended or regular. You can also request a unified housing document or other statement.
  • In the conclusion, the date of the appeal and the signature are put.

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Where and to whom is it issued

You can get a statement:

  • At the MFC from employees of government agencies;
  • At the department of the migration service. FMS issues a certificate to the owners of private houses;
  • In HOA or UK. These organizations keep house books;
  • In the governing bodies of small settlements;
  • In the bureau of technical inventory or archive. You can get an extended version of the document here;
  • Through the Internet portal "Gosuslugi".

The basis for obtaining information is the submission of a correctly drawn up application along with a package of documents.

Required documents

The originals must be attached to the written request for information about the last place of residence of the deceased:

  • Proof of identity of the applicant;
  • Certificate of opening an inheritance case;
  • Death certificate of the testator.

In the event of the death of a person, the question of the inheritance of his property is raised. To obtain the rights of the heir, you need to provide the notary with documentary information about the last place of residence of the deceased. You can get this information using a request statement.
