Residents of Australia and New Zealand will be able to visit the beaches and buy their favorite fast food


Over the past few weeks, the whole world has rallied in the fight against a single problem - the COVID-19 virus. Restrictive measures have been introduced in various countries and cities aimed at curbing the spread of severe infection. The coronavirus is evolving everywhere at a rapid pace and kills thousands of people. So, for example, since the beginning of the pandemic, 1.4 thousand cases of virus infection have been registered in New Zealand, and 6.7 thousand in Australia.

But, according to media representatives, in Australia and New Zealand this week, local authorities have already begun to weaken or completely lift the restrictions imposed.

In Sydney, city beaches were opened for free visits. The coastal strip was empty for a month.

In New South Wales, adults will be allowed to visit each other. Welcome visits will only be possible for a group of no more than two people. This decision of the authorities does not apply to children.

In New Zealand, a self-isolation regime was introduced on March 26. Now the authorities have decided to lift some of the restrictive measures introduced against the spread of coronavirus infection.

Fast food outlets and popular coffee shops are opening everywhere. The queues among local residents to their favorite establishments are growing every hour. A similar picture can be seen in Auckland, Wellington and other areas.

The surfers' favorite beaches in Christchurch have also become open to the public. However, in New Zealand, there is no rush to open other public places such as beauty salons, pubs, many shops and entertainment centers. The self-isolation regime and the imposed restrictive measures will remain in effect for at least another two weeks in order to avoid a massive crowd of people and the spread of COVID-19.
