10 tips for traveling to Vietnam


In Vietnam, tourists may have two main problems - with unusual food or with the locals. To avoid becoming a victim of scammers and relax in comfort, you need to follow a few simple tips.

Money exchange

You need to pay attention to what bills are issued. For example, when exchanging currency, local residents may give not 100 thousand dong, but 10 thousand. Banknotes are similar, and you can often ignore where the dividing point is.


Vietnam - not the safest state when it comes to street thefts. Tourists are not advised to carry large sums with them, especially in crowded places. In addition, you should not use rickshaw services in the dark.

Payment for services

Local residents will not miss the opportunity to deceive the gullible tourist. The main rule here is to never pay in advance. It is necessary to pay for a product or service after receiving it. Rickshaws often call a different amount after the trip. Therefore, it is useful to write it down in advance so that later there is no conflict.

Obsessive traders

Vietnamese are very intrusive towards tourists. Travelers can be offered anything, including help they don't need at all. You need to firmly refuse any services, otherwise you will have to pay for them later.

Local Markets

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Food and other things in Vietnam are best purchased not from hand, but in stores. In the markets, prices are usually overpriced for tourists, and the quality of products and things is far from ideal.

Cash transactions

Both local currency and dollars are accepted for payment. But foreign bills must be new, as old ones may not be accepted. You can safely withdraw money in banks, but they only work on weekdays and most often until 4 - 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Credit cards are accepted only in large stores.


Travelers should not drink local water. Be sure to purchase bottled in order not to face infection. For the same reason, it is better to order food in a cafe and not buy it on the street. Limit the consumption of local vegetables and fruits during the first days of the trip.


There are not many professional guides in the country, but locals will persistently offer sightseeing tours. When ordering them, you need to clarify in advance what is included in the price.


Government restaurants and cafes have a standard tip surcharge. Therefore, it is not necessary to leave additional money for the waiter. In other institutions, this issue is determined on the spot. Recommended tip size - not less than 5%.

How to travel around the city

Public transport stops are usually located far from tourist routes. Therefore, the preferred way of travel for travelers is by taxi. They are equipped with a counter, so the tourist will not be deceived with payment, unlike rickshaws, which can change the price.

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Vietnam - a relatively safe country for travelers (with the exception of pickpockets). However, locals do not hesitate to take advantage of the gullibility of tourists, so any intrusive services must be firmly refused.
