Actual work in Poland for Belarusians


Due to the increasing flow of labor migrants from the Republic of Poland to other states of the European Union, the country is experiencing a constant need for labor. Therefore, there is always work for Belarusians in Poland.

Employment of foreigners in Poland

Poland provides foreigners with ample employment opportunities. Numerous vacancies are available to them, and this is a legal job. Foreign workers get good social security. Salaries in this country are higher than in Belarus. For example, the minimum wage in Belarus is 127 euros (305 BYN), and in Poland - 497 euros (2100 PLN).

Polish law promotes the employment of foreigners, however, a foreign citizen must be in the country legally and have an employment contract. In this case, he will have the same rights as any Pole.

An employer can hire a foreigner only by proving that there are no Polish applicants for the existing vacancy, and also on the condition that the foreigner's salary is the same as that of a Pole working in a similar position.

Jobs for Belarusians in Poland

Many Belarusian citizens want to work in Poland, and local employers willingly hire labor migrants from this country. In addition, it is easy to get to Poland - from Grodno to Bialystok there are less than a hundred kilometers.

There are vacancies in almost all sectors: Belarusians can be offered work in agriculture, construction, service sector, trade. Programmers and doctors are in great demand.

There is always a job for a woman as a nurse or caring for the elderly and sick people. In addition, there is a shortage of drivers in Poland, so men have the opportunity to get a job as a truck driver.

During the summer, the country offers many types of seasonal work. Belarusians collect vegetables and fruits, and strawberry picking is the most popular. A convenient form of employment for seasonal work is the shift, which provides for free accommodation and meals. At the same time, the working day should not exceed 12 hours a day, and the shift itself cannot last longer than three months.

Work for citizens of the Republic of Belarus with a Pole Card is more likely to be found, moreover, in this case, the candidacy of the applicant is considered on an equal basis with Polish citizens, and the presence of the card legalizes labor activity.

Students from Belarus who study on a full-time basis at Polish universities do not need to obtain a work permit and can earn extra money as waiters, ancillary workers and other vacancies.

Working and living conditions in Poland

Compared to Belarus, Poland offers not only higher salaries, but also more comfortable living and working conditions. Every employee is guaranteed to receive medical care, his life is insured.

Housing for Belarusians employed in seasonal work, in particular, harvesting, is usually provided free of charge or for a small fee. In addition, the employer can pay the employee travel to the place of work and food (at least one time). It is also possible to provide additional days off and pay bonuses.

The Labor Code of the Republic of Poland (dated 06/26/1974) protects the interests of all employees, including foreigners. According to article 183a of this code, all workers have equal rights.

In Poland, an eight-hour working day is established, a forty-hour working week. In special cases, work is allowed for 12 hours.

An employee has the right to rest at least eleven hours a day and at least 35 hours a week; it is not allowed to work overtime for more than four hours a day.

Living and working in Poland attracts many citizens from neighboring countries. Food prices are relatively low here, and rental prices are quite affordable.

The most expensive rent is to rent an apartment in Warsaw - for a small two-room apartment you will have to pay up to PLN 2,800 a month, for a one-room apartment - PLN 1,500. For 2 260 PLN you can rent an apartment in Wroclaw. Expensive rent in Bialystok.

Of the big cities, the cheapest rental housing is in Bydgoszcz - up to PLN 1,300 for an apartment of 38-60 m².

Area, m2Fee, PLN
0-381 2791 4451 1591 1861 306
38-601 7691 8771 6361 5521 688
60-902 3992 5852 2012 0142 205

In addition, food in Poland is cheaper than in other EU countries. For example, the monthly expenses for food for a family of two are about PLN 800-1200. For lunch in a cafe, a couple will pay 50-60 PLN. In general, meals with accommodation in a Warsaw one-room apartment for two people will cost about 2,300-2,700 zlotys per month. In this case, utilities are paid additionally. So, for a medium-sized apartment you will need to pay another 500-900 PLN. However, you should not be afraid of large expenses - here incomes are also high. Even working as an ordinary electrician or a builder, you can receive from 2700 zlotys.

How to get a job in Poland

It is possible to get a high-paying job in the Republic of Poland only with the appropriate knowledge of the Polish language. It is difficult to do without knowledge of the language at the level of business colloquialism in certified professions. In addition, you need to have a diploma recognized in the EU and all the necessary documents. Of course, you need a driver's license to work as a driver.

For applicants looking for seasonal work, knowledge of the Polish language is not required. Without knowing the language, you can also get a low-skilled job: at a factory, at a construction site, in agriculture.

Employment in Poland is paid for by intermediary companies that earn money. Employers who are interested in workers do not demand money, therefore, when looking for a job, it is advisable to do without intermediaries.

Documents required for employment

Having found a suitable vacancy, you need to send the documents translated into Polish to the employer by email:

  • motivation letter;
  • work book;
  • reviews of former employers;
  • short biography;
  • copies of existing diplomas;
  • summary.

If the applicant is suitable for a Polish employer, he or she draws up an appropriate permit for the future employee. According to valid from 01.01. 2021 of the Law “On Amendments to the Law on the Promotion of Employment and Labor Market Institutions and Other Legislation”, a foreigner will need a work permit or a seasonal work permit for legal employment.

The first document is issued by the voivode at the location of the employing company or at the place of residence of the natural person providing the job. The basis for its issuance is the statement of the employer (owner of the company) about the desire to provide work to foreigners.

A permit is issued within 7-30 days and is paid by the employer - he will have to pay 30 PLN.

In case of contacting intermediary companies, the cost will be more expensive - 150-200 PLN. A permit is issued for a period not exceeding 180 days over the next twelve months.

Find out more about how to get an invitation to work in Poland.

The second document is drawn up by the headman after the employer prepares a statement of intent to provide a job to a foreigner. The holder of such a document can work in industries that are considered seasonal for nine months. We are talking about field and horticultural work, labor activity in the tourism and gastronomic sphere. The nine-month period is calculated from the moment of crossing the border.

Throughout 2021, there is a transitional period: foreign workers can legally work on the basis of new work permits, while the basis for legal employment is also the permits issued and obtained earlier, in 2021.

If a citizen of Belarus has performed seasonal work for a specific employer at least once during the previous five years, he may be issued a three-year permit for multi-season work. Its presence gives the right to obtain a visa for the next three years and, accordingly, for seasonal work in the Republic of Poland for no more than a nine-month period for 1 year within three years.

For employment, you must have a written contract concluded with the person providing the job. Moreover, there must be a copy of the agreement drawn up in a language understandable to the employee. The type of contract depends on the work performed and the scope of the granted rights and obligations.

To live and officially work in Poland, you must have a special work visa, which is issued on the basis of an invitation received from the employer. A person who has received a visa must be employed in Poland in the very company that issued the work permit.

Thus, for the legal employment of Belarusians in Poland, it is necessary to have a work permit (for seasonal work), an employment contract and a work visa.

How to look for a job

It is more difficult for a person with no experience to find a suitable vacancy. Therefore, many are looking for work with the help of intermediaries or on their own on specialized web resources. For example, you can find a job on the official website of the Polish State Employment Service. In addition, sites offer good options:


Good options are found on the websites of the newspapers Gazeta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita. Zycie Warszawy.

In order not to be deceived, you should check the employer. This can be done by contacting a single state resource - Glowny Urzad Statystyczny.

But for this you need to know the NIP of the company - ten digits of the identification tax number or REGON - the registration number of nine digits obtained from the official register, which contains all subjects of the national economy. The numbers must be indicated in the job invitation.

What are the salaries in Poland

From January 1, 2021, the minimum wage in Poland is PLN 13.7 per hour of work and PLN 2,100 per month. Taking into account the deduction of taxes, the employee receives a minimum of PLN 1,530 per month (net). The average salary in the country is around 1,100 euros.

IT specialists have high earnings, workers in the service sector and trade receive the least. Handymen are paid about 2,400 PLN after all deductions, sellers - up to 3,000 zlotys, doctors - up to 6,000 zlotys.

Engineers receive about PLN 3,200 and lawyers - PLN 4,200. Working as a welder, you can earn over 2,700 PLN.

As for the cities, the highest salaries are in the Mazovian Voivodeship, the lowest are in the Carpathian Voivodeship, and quite good earnings are in Krakow.

Find out more about what salaries are in Poland.


Poland is in dire need of both highly qualified specialists and ordinary workers. Employment in this country attracts Belarusians with high wages, good social security, and the availability of vacancies for people with different skill levels.

The minimum wage here is 2,100 PLN, and the average is about 1,100 euros. A job will be found not only by a doctor or programmer, but also by a person without education. A Belarusian working in Poland is socially protected in the same way as a Pole.

For legal employment, a Belarusian needs a work permit or a seasonal work permit, as well as an employment contract. He must have a work visa, and he must work in the place indicated in the permit.

When looking for work, it is better to contact directly with the employer, since if you look for a job through an agency dealing with employment in Poland, it will be much more expensive.
