Medical examination in Germany


The German medical system is considered one of the best in the world. Many foreigners go here not only for treatment, but also for examination. A medical examination in Germany can be carried out in most clinics, where, upon the conclusion of a diagnosis, further treatment can be carried out if necessary. But also in the Federal Republic of Germany there are separate diagnostic centers that are exclusively engaged in examination.

Types of programs and procedures included in them

In German medical centers, diagnostic programs are carried out with a variety of procedures. Basically, they can be divided into complex and specialized. Most often, foreign patients turn to German clinics for the following programs:

  • Basic diagnostics for men.
  • Basic diagnostics for women.
  • Comprehensive examination.
  • Extended diagnostics with MRI.
  • Extended diagnostics without MRI.
  • Cancer search program.
  • Basic neurological diagnostics.
  • Diagnostics in the field of gastroenterology.
  • Basic diagnostics in the direction of urology.
  • Preventive diagnostics (check-up).
  • Basic cardiac examination.
  • Dermatological program.
  • Psychotherapeutic examination.
  • Program for the elderly.
  • Radiological examination.
  • Vascular diagnostics.
  • Examination in the direction of orthopedics.

Depending on the type of program, they may include different procedures. Most of them often include:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • blood test;
  • analysis of feces, urine;
  • Ultrasound of the heart, abdomen, thyroid gland;
  • ECG;
  • urological or gynecological examination;
  • MRI;
  • examination of the mammary glands for women;
  • examination by a dermatologist;
  • colonoscopy;
  • gastroscopy.

Check-up preventive diagnostics

The check-up examination is carried out for the purpose of prophylaxis. During it, specialists identify the predisposition of patients to certain diseases, observe the general condition of the body, identify diseases in the first stages (when there are no symptoms), establish risk factors for the occurrence of various diseases.

Check-up is recommended for all people over 35 years old, as well as for those who suffer from ailments for unknown reasons.

In check-up diagnostics, you can also choose either a comprehensive examination or by directions: gynecological, cardiological, neurological, and so on.

After the diagnosis, the patient is issued a complete medical report along with medical recommendations for preventive measures or a treatment course. If a patient urgently needs treatment in Germany, a medical consultation is held and the patient is hospitalized.

Children's programs

Taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the psyche and physiology of children, specialists in Germany have specially developed children's diagnostic programs. When examining children by specialists, a friendly atmosphere is created in every possible way, and modern equipment allows to reduce the time of diagnosis.

Also, an important feature of children's programs is the presence of playrooms in clinics, which minimizes the stress level in children during the procedure.

Children's programs can also be comprehensive or specialized. The comprehensive children's program usually lasts no more than four hours and includes the following procedures:

  • examination by a physiotherapist and pediatrician;
  • diagnostics of the nervous system;
  • ultrasound examination of the heart;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • blood tests;
  • analyzes of feces and urine;
  • ophthalmological examination (for children from four years old).

In addition to complex programs, other programs are offered in Germany, which often last about 2 days:

  • for frequently ill children (sore throat, cough, bronchitis, chronic runny nose, and so on);
  • for children with poor memory, problems with academic performance;
  • for children with developmental problems and growth disorders, the causes of which are genetics, the endocrine or nervous system;
  • for children with sleep disturbances, fatigue, constant nightmares;
  • for children with disorders of specific body systems (nervous, respiratory, gastrointestinal tract, and so on).

Examination cost in Germany

German clinics offer diagnostic programs of various costs, but on average the prices are as follows:

Program typePrice in EUR
Complex check-up4000- 4700
Express check-up2700
Basic cardiac diagnosticsfrom 1850
Basic neurological diagnosis660-1300
Examination in the direction of orthopedicsfrom 1500
Expanded oncological examination2950-3650
Children's programfrom 1750

Popular diagnostic centers

If you want to organize a trip to Germany for the purpose of diagnostics without intermediaries, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information on the official websites of the most popular diagnostic clinics in Germany:

  • Meoclinic - the high level of quality of the examination in this clinic is ensured by highly qualified doctors specializing in more than 30 fields of medicine. The clinic uses a wide range of modern diagnostic methods: modern X-ray equipment, CT and MRI, high-resolution endoscopy, cardiac MRI and many others.
  • Diagnostik Muenchen - The Munich-based diagnostic center offers its patients a comprehensive range of radiology services, as well as check-up diagnostics. In a medical institution, nuclear medicine is actively used, which allows detecting functional disorders of individual organs at an early stage.
  • Dortmunder Centrum DOC - the diagnostic center actively uses the method of computerized 3D visualization during examination. Check-up examination in Dortmund is carried out in one day.
  • Culminasceum is a preventive medicine center located in Hamburg. A comprehensive examination at the center takes only half a day. As a result of comprehensive diagnostics, specialists make an assessment of the current state of health of the applied patient, develop an individual prevention plan and give specific recommendations for improving health.
  • Rhein Main Medical Center - the center is located in Wiesbaden. Based on the results of examinations obtained using the latest medical and laboratory methods, the clinic develops therapeutic concepts that are individually adapted to patients in order to prevent and minimize the risks of any disease.

If, instead of a trip, you want to send tests to Germany from your home country, then for this you need to contact one of the laboratories that have a special permit for the export of biomaterials.


In Germany, you can get screened in various programs. You can choose a more extensive complex program, which takes 1.5-2 days in time, or an express program in 4 hours.

If you are worried about a predisposition to a specific disease, a specialized program is available (in the direction of oncology, cardiology, gastroenterology, and so on), where a set of procedures will be aimed at studying the health indicators of individual organs or the whole system. Also in the medical centers of Germany there are special programs for children.
