Registration of documents for citizenship of the Russian Federation under the resettlement program


The possibility of foreigners entering the citizenship of the Russian Federation is provided for by the norms of domestic legislation. It is possible to obtain Russian citizenship both in the normal and simplified procedure. One of the ways to obtain the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner (provided that the candidate has legal grounds for doing so) is to participate in the state program to facilitate the voluntary resettlement of compatriots in the Russian Federation.

Resettlement Assistance Program

The purpose of the implementation of the aforementioned state program is to facilitate the voluntary resettlement of compatriots (as well as their families) to the Russian Federation, i.e. persons permanently living outside of Russia, but possessing characteristics (linguistic, sociocultural and / or ethnic) of the national identity for the inhabitants of the Russian Federation.

According to the definition of the current legislation, compatriots are:

  • Russian citizens living abroad on a permanent basis;
  • Representatives of ethnic groups (and their descendants) historically living in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Former citizens of the USSR living in the territories of the former member states of the USSR (regardless of their current citizenship or lack thereof);
  • Persons (and their descendants) who previously emigrated from the Russian Federation, the USSR, the Russian Republic or the Russian Empire (regardless of their current citizenship).

You can become a participant in this program by obtaining a corresponding certificate (it can be issued both in the Russian Federation and abroad - in the official representations of the relevant state bodies of the Russian Federation on the territories of other states).

The validity of the certificate is 3 years, it is during this time (from the moment of its receipt) that the candidate for the acquisition of citizenship must:

  1. Move to the region of the Russian Federation specified during registration as a participant in the state program (if the candidate lives in another region, or outside the Russian Federation);
  2. Upon moving, register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs for primary migration registration, register at the place of residence and obtain a temporary residence permit (RVP), if it has not been previously obtained;
  3. Prepare and submit documents for obtaining citizenship.

Required documents

The basic set of documents for obtaining Russian citizenship under the state resettlement program includes:

  • Application (2 copies);
  • The original or a copy of the certificate of participation in the program (for the participant himself or a member of his family, respectively);
  • Also for family members - documents confirming the fact of relationship;
  • A copy of the passport containing information on the presence of a valid TRP, or a copy of a valid residence permit (residence permit) with a mark on the presence of permanent registration;
  • Translation of a passport;
  • A copy of the birth certificate;
  • A copy of the certificate of the conclusion and / or dissolution of marriage (subject to availability), the original document on the full or partial change of the full or partial name (if any);
  • A copy of the application for renunciation of current citizenship (if necessary), complete with documentary evidence of sending this application to the authorized government body of a foreign state;
  • Original receipt for payment of the relevant state fee (3500 rubles);
  • Photos (4 pieces, matte, 30 × 40 mm, color or b / w);
  • Other documents (for example, the original and a copy of the professional education diploma) - if necessary.

Minor children of a state program participant who are also applying for citizenship, in addition to the above documents, will be required:

  1. Personal documentary consent to obtain Russian citizenship (certified by a notary, or by an authorized employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of submission of documents);
  2. Second parent's consent.

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Drawing up a statement

The law does not provide for a special form for drawing up the above statement. An application for citizenship by participants in the resettlement program is drawn up on a standard application form for acceptance into Russian citizenship.

FORM An application for Russian citizenship under the compatriots resettlement assistance program can be downloaded here.

The application indicates a special basis for the appeal (in this case - Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation", other options are deleted). Other information is provided in a similar order for such applications, indicating the details of all the documents mentioned (including certificates of participation in the state resettlement program).

The application can be drawn up in electronic form (by filling out an empty form on a computer), and then printed. Also, a pre-printed form can be filled in by hand - the entered information should be easy to read, blots or corrections should be absent.

Requirements for documents

According to the norms of the current (including migration) legislation of the Russian Federation, among the main requirements in relation to all of the above documents are:

  • Identity of the name, date and place of birth of the applicant in all submitted documents;
  • Completeness and authenticity of the information provided;
  • Authenticity and validity (not expired) of documents;
  • Readability of all documents (originals and copies), their satisfactory condition;
  • Availability of a notarized translation for each of the foreign documents (in some situations, some documents must also be legalized or have an apostille);
  • Notarization of all copies (both domestic and foreign documents) from the above list.

You can translate foreign documents in any translation agency that also provides notarization services. As a rule, translations are prepared in several days, but most of these organizations also make urgent translations (the price of work will be higher).

Submission of documents

After all the documents from the above list have been prepared, the candidate for becoming a citizen of the Russian Federation under the resettlement assistance program must submit them to the migration department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of his (candidate's) permanent registration.

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The term for consideration of documents is 30 calendar days from the date of application.

Based on the results of the consideration, the applicant will be notified of the possibility (or impossibility) of accepting him into the citizenship of the Russian Federation and the procedure for further actions.

Participation in the state program for the resettlement of compatriots is perhaps the easiest way to obtain Russian citizenship, since its participants are exempted from a number of requirements (compliance with the residency qualification, knowledge of the state language, the presence of a residence permit and a stable income) presented to other candidates. However, inclusion in the program is only the first of the stages on the way to the status of a full-fledged citizen of the Russian Federation.

Also, candidates should remember that any discrepancy in the information and / or documents provided by government officials may become a reason for exclusion from the program (and, therefore, for refusing to grant Russian citizenship in a simplified manner) at any stage of participation.
