Going to Spain? Forget about Russian habits


Spain is a country that is considered attractive by many Russians who decide to move abroad. However, going there, you should forget about some Russian habits.

Friendship and communication with locals

Spaniards are friendly, open-minded and outgoing people. They are tolerant towards foreigners. There are practically no manifestations of Russophobia, and if you still have to face them, it gives the impression of an anomaly and causes general condemnation. Nevertheless, friendship with the Spaniards has its own characteristics. In Spain, you will have to forget about the Russian habit of turning to friends for help on any occasion. The Spaniards, of course, will not refuse to help in solving everyday problems, but they will not rush to do this either.

If we are not talking about a large-scale celebration, Russians are used to not staying too long at a party, so as not to cause serious inconvenience to the owners. While in Spain, it is worth remembering that friendly and family visits can last up to 10 hours or more. Hospitable Spaniards may even be offended that a guest only stayed with them for an hour or two.


In Spain, it is better to forget about the habit of constantly making comments to your own, and even more so to other people's children. For example, you shouldn't forbid them to run and make noise in a public place. According to the Spaniards, this is the usual way for a child to express themselves.

As children get older, they can sue their parents if they think they are restricting their freedom, for example, they are not allowed to sit at a computer for too long or use a mobile phone too often.

The medicine

Going to the clinic, the Russians are used to choosing the profile of the specialist themselves, to whom they want to make an appointment. In Spain, before going to a specialist, you need to get a referral from a therapist.

It is worth giving up the habit of buying medicines at your own discretion or guided by the advice of a pharmacist. Most likely, it will not be possible to purchase the necessary drug without a doctor's prescription.

Home and food

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In Spain, inevitably, you will have to give up the habit of airing the apartment every day or relaxing in the warmth of the hearth after a hard day at work. Heating works here only from 6 in the morning until 6 in the evening, and therefore it is usually cool in the apartments. The normal temperature is 17 degrees.

The eating habits of Russians are also significantly different from those in Spain. For example, in Spain you will have to forget about the habit of putting sausage or meat on bread. The Spaniards are sure that bread not only adds extra calories, but also spoils the elegance of the meat, so jamon, i.e. cold cuts, neatly eaten here with your hands.

It is worth forgetting about the notorious Russian habit of excessive drinking. When visiting a restaurant or bar, the Spaniards can drink just one glass of wine. The main thing here is food and communication.

A stay in Spain forces Russians to give up their traditional behavior. Nevertheless, many are ready to put up with it for the sake of living in this warm, friendly and beautiful country.
