Vacancies for doctors abroad


It is not difficult for specialists with medical education to find work abroad. The profession of a doctor all over the world is always in demand and highly paid. Most countries offer doctors a high salary level, but they also place high demands on specialists. Registration procedures differ in different states.

Salaries of doctors abroad

Despite the difficulties that accompany employment in another country, the level of salaries invariably attracts new and new job seekers. Working as a doctor abroad is well paid, but it also requires high qualifications.

Salary level

The countrySalary per month $
America15 000
Switzerland7 800
Great Britain7 000
UAE6 500
France6 000
Germany5 500
Italy5 000
Spain5 000
Portugal2 500
Czech1 600

What you need for employment

When applying for a job in a public or private clinic, the candidate needs to prove qualifications, learn the language and pass several exams.

In any country, before finding a job, a person who has a medical diploma must undergo a nostrification procedure (receive an international diploma). In some states, it passes easily and in a short time, in others it stretches for a long period.

Diplomas issued to doctors in Russia and the CIS countries are not international and require mandatory confirmation.

Countries where it is easier to confirm a doctor's diploma

If you are going to leave for another country and get a job in a hospital, the first thing to do is to think about the length of your stay in the chosen state. If moving to a permanent place of residence is not expected, it is better to give preference to countries that offer a simplified nostrification procedure.


One of the most loyal countries in relation to the confirmation of a doctor's diploma. According to the standard recognition procedure, a visiting specialist is required to complete qualification courses. At the same time, he submits his diploma for confirmation. Consideration of the issue can take up to 1 year.

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After completing the courses and passing the exams, the applicant gets the opportunity to work on a probationary period. The practical part of confirmation lasts 6 months. During this period, the doctor receives a minimum salary. After the expiration of the term, the status of a doctor is officially assigned and allows you to work fully.


A republic where the demand for medical specialties is invariably very high, and the nostrification procedure is fast. Language proficiency is not required to work as a doctor in Yemen. A practice license is issued without mandatory exams and with a minimum set of documents.

The main requirement is at least 5 years of experience.


Differs in the highest demand for Russian-speaking doctors. The diploma confirmation procedure is similar to the Czech one. After completing the language courses - a probationary period of 6 months and the possibility of full-fledged practice. No exams are required. After the formal confirmation of the diploma, a Russian doctor can work in the same way as local specialists.

For employment in any of the described countries, work experience of at least 3 years is required.

Countries with a complex nostrification procedure

Those who want to emigrate to Europe or America will have to go through a more complicated diploma confirmation procedure. In European countries, this requires at least 4 years.


12 months after submitting the diploma for confirmation and successfully passing the exams, the doctor is offered to go through the "pull-up" stage. It usually lasts a year. It is assumed that during this period the specialist will fill the gaps in knowledge and experience. Paid for such work is minimal.

After passing the "pull-up", the specialist is expected to pass exams. Further, he is issued a temporary work permit, which must be confirmed every 2 years. A temporary permit allows you to obtain the position of a physician assistant (clinical resident).

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Regardless of experience and knowledge, independent practice for a visiting doctor is impossible without obtaining a permanent work permit. To be able to take the position of a specialist doctor, after completing the residency, you need to pass another exam in the specialty and confirm your knowledge of the German language.


To work as a doctor in Portugal, you also need to prove your qualifications.

This can be done in two ways:

  • pass the equivalent;
  • receive confirmation of the diploma.

The procedures are not too long, but they have a high level of complexity. When passing the equivalent, you need to get a full curriculum from the university that issued the diploma.

This program is applied to any medical university in Portugal at the corresponding faculty. Experts compare the received material with their own and give a verdict on the coincidence or non-coincidence of the programs.

They usually don't match. In this case, the applicant is offered to master the missing disciplines together with local students. After that, the visiting specialist becomes a full-fledged student of the university and receives a Portuguese diploma with all its advantages.

Upon confirmation of the diploma, it is necessary to undergo retraining and pass the obligatory exams:

  • knowledge of the language;
  • theory of medicine;
  • practical test.

The practical test verifies the correctness of the diagnoses and the adequacy of the prescribed treatment. The confirmation times differ for different specialties.


In order to be able to work as a doctor in the United States, a specialist who has a diploma from another state must, after confirming the diploma, undergo a residency. In fact, this is retraining in the existing specialty.

The duration of the residency depends on the specialty of the doctor, but not less than 3 years.

How long does retraining take:

  • pediatrics - 3 years;
  • radiology - 4 years;
  • therapy - 3 years;
  • neurosurgery - 6 years;
  • anesthesiology - 4 years;
  • general surgery - 5 years.

After completing the internship, another year is given for theoretical scientific work. Further, upon successful passing of the exams, the specialist can either get a job in any clinic in the USA, or open a private practice.


To confirm the diploma in Canada, the applicant must complete training at any of the local medical schools. They are open throughout the country on the basis of large universities. Tuition is paid, the cost depends on the chosen specialty and is regulated by the leadership of the educational institution. The number of study places is limited, scholarships are not provided. Despite this, the competition for training is very large.

In order to receive a permanent work permit after retraining, which gives the right to full-fledged practice, the applicant will need to continue his studies in residency and obtain Canadian citizenship.


The best working conditions are in the countries of the former British colony. South Africa is invariably the most attractive for foreign doctors. The high level of wages ensures a stable influx of emigrants who want to get a job there.

As a result of the implementation of the local employment program, only highly qualified specialists can get a job in South Africa. First of all, they try to fill any vacancy with local doctors.

Doctors who have completed their residency in any European country and have a confirmed specialist diploma can count on employment. At the same time, you can only get a job in a state clinic. Private practice for visiting doctors is almost impossible.

Where to look for work

It is worth taking care of employment before crossing the border. This will help you navigate the labor market of the selected country, find a suitable employer and leave with the confidence that the vacancy meets all important criteria.

For independent job search, the following sites are suitable:


Emigration implies difficulties in paperwork and obtaining the necessary permits. If the working conditions and the level of wages in the country chosen for work are much higher than those available in the country of residence, the move is justified. There are countries where contract work is offered, in difficult conditions with decent wages.
