Sample application to the guardianship and guardianship authorities


According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents and guardians are obliged to take proper care of the child and provide him with opportunities for development. If there are suspicions of non-compliance with this rule, you can apply to the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Sample application

An example of a written statement:

What the document looks like

The complaint is filled in any form. Its text should contain:

  • Hat - where the application is submitted and from whom;
  • Main part - information about the applicant, an arbitrary statement of the grounds for the complaint;
  • Conclusion - date and signature.

Who has the right to apply

Any citizen can send a letter of complaint. The guardianship authorities rarely take an application from an outsider seriously.

Appeal makes sense when directed from:

  • Father or mother;
  • An employee of a kindergarten, school or other educational institution;
  • Medical officer - district doctor, school nurse, etc .;
  • A relative;
  • Neighbor.

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List of grounds

All the reasons for filing a complaint are reduced to one: the child lives in inappropriate conditions, in which his harmonious development is impossible, or there is a threat to his psychological or physical health.

Basic situations:

  • The child lives in mud, ruin, constantly hungry, not washed;
  • The pupil is left unattended in dangerous places;
  • Parents ignore or indulge the development of bad habits in a minor;
  • Parents hinder education, sports;
  • A minor faces physical or psychological violence in the family;
  • The parent has a mental disorder that provokes dangerous behavior;
  • Parent's addiction to alcohol or drugs.

Terms of consideration of the application

The time of consideration is individual for each situation. However, the law obliges guardianship officials to issue an opinion no more than in 30 days.

How to write

The following data should be entered in the application:

  • The address and code of the institution to which the complaint is sent;
  • Full name of the applicant, passport data, address of stay, contact information;
  • Description of all known situations in which the parents behaved unlawfully towards the child. This point is the most important one: it depends on whether measures are taken. Therefore, the description must be complete, honest and convincing;
  • Link to source: written, audio or video evidence, eyewitness testimony, personal observations;
  • Request to conduct a check, ensure the observance of the rights of the child;
  • Date of writing and signature confirming the accuracy of the information.

The likelihood of initiating a review will increase if the author of the text refers to specific laws that were violated by the parents or guardians of the child.

The child should be in conditions in which his all-round development is possible. Third parties have the opportunity to influence his fate with the help of a complaint to the guardianship authorities, if such conditions are not provided.

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