Registration of residence permit in Greece


Obtaining a residence permit is the main condition for a long stay in Greece for migrants from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, as well as the first step towards obtaining citizenship. In order to have a legal residence permit, a foreigner must comply with all the conditions established by law.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Moving to Greece

Greece is a member of the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance and a signer of the Schengen Treaty. After the protracted crisis, the economy of the independent state is gaining momentum again. The Greeks have a great profitability due to the tourism business, so the local population is happy to welcome visitors from all over the world.

The state language is Greek.

Religion 97% population - Orthodoxy, noted in the Constitution as the leading religion of the state.

Moving to the country, a foreigner gets the opportunity to live safely in a resort country.



Comfortable Mediterranean climateThe unemployment rate reaches 20-25%
Clean ecologyOften there are strikes that disrupt the normal course of life
Natural and cheap productsAs a result of the influx of illegal migrants from Arab countries, the crime rate has begun to rise in recent years.
Possibility to purchase inexpensive housingLow wages compared to European countries
Favorable conditions for starting a businessStrict migration control due to the influx of illegal immigrants
Affordable Citizenship ProgramsThe solution of any issues takes a lot of time due to the developed bureaucracy
Free educationLow level of economic development
High level of medical careGreeks are very emotional. It's hard for Russians to get used to it right away.

Types of residence permit

After arriving in the country, a foreigner has the opportunity to issue a temporary residence permit. It allows you to stay on the territory of the state legally and, depending on the type, work, open your own company or study.

Subsequently, a permanent permit can be obtained. This type of residence permit gives rights that are practically equal to civil rights, with the exception of participation in the electoral process.

Type AGives the right to employment, concluding a contract with an employer to perform seasonal work. Designed for specialists invited from other countries.
Type BAllows you to carry out financial activities in the country. Create companies, hire employees. Issued to investors and businessmen.
Type BIssued to wealthy foreigners who have bought real estate in Greece, students who have come to study or specialists who are improving their qualifications.
Type DThey are issued to refugees and victims of repression.

Each type of residence permit allows a foreigner to enjoy certain privileges:

  • Stay on the territory of the state while the permit is valid;
  • Receive free medical care;
  • Get education;
  • Free to visit the countries of the European Union.

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All foreigners who have received a residence permit must comply with the laws of the republic and fulfill tax obligations in a timely manner.

Methods for obtaining a residence permit

Obtaining a residence permit is possible if a foreigner has legally established grounds. The validity period of the permit depends on them. After the expiration of the established period, the migrant can obtain a permanent residence permit or extend a temporary one. Both procedures are possible if the primary grounds for extradition remain or new ones have appeared.

Greek legislation provides for an extensive list of reasons for obtaining a residence permit. The most popular are:

  • Conclusion of a contract with a Greek company;
  • Education in universities of the country;
  • Family reunification;
  • Doing business on the territory of the state;
  • Investing in the Greek economy;
  • Buying real estate in the country;
  • Obtaining refugee status.

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit

A foreigner planning to move to Greece and obtain a residence permit in the country of residence must apply for a category D national visa. To do this, he should apply to the Greek consulate, fill out an application form and attach the main package of documents to it.

Visa gives you the opportunity to stay in Greece up to 12 months... During the validity of the document, the migrant must obtain a residence permit. The registration procedure includes two steps.

Step 1. Submission of documents

The completed package of documents is submitted to the migration service of the municipality where the foreigner plans to stay. After accepting the application, the migrant receives a certificate stating that the issue of issuing a residence permit is pending.

The main package of documents must contain:

  • Statement;
  • A copy of each page of the passport;
  • 3 photos;
  • Confirmation of the availability of funds in the bank account (at least 24 thousand euros);
  • Health insurance policy (Greek);
  • Certificate of undergoing a health examination in a Greek public hospital;
  • Paid receipt of state duty;
  • Lease agreement or proof of ownership of real estate;
  • Documents on marriage, divorce, birth of children (apostilled).

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Reference! Children will also need a birth certificate.

Step 2. Obtaining a residence permit

After submitting the main package, community employees can request additional documents necessary for making a decision. Further, the case will be considered approximately 2 months... The foreigner will be notified in writing of the decision taken and a residence permit card will be issued within the prescribed period.

Features of registration of a residence permit depending on the type

BaseAdditional documentsPeculiarities
  • Labor contract;
  • Certificate of salary.
You can bring your family later 2 years residence in Greece with a labor residence permit
  • Certificate of admission to the university;
  • Certificate;
  • Language Proficiency Certificate.
Availability of funds from the calculation 2 thousand euros per month. Residence permit is issued for a year and is extended until graduation
Investments, real estate purchase
  • Real estate purchase and sale agreement for the amount of at least 250 thousand euros;
  • Certificate of contributing funds to the development of the country, not less 300 thousand euros.
Does not give the right to work. Residence permit is issued immediately on 5 years
Doing Business
  • Statutory documents of the company;
  • Tax registration certificate.
It is allowed to work only in a created company. The authorized capital of a company cannot be less than 60 thousand euros
Family reunificationProof of relationship with Greek citizensYou will need to prove that relatives have the ability to financially provide a foreigner

Pensioners can get a residence permit on the basis of the acquired real estate or with a high level of well-being. In this version, they are issued a permit without the right to work.

Reference! Foreigners who have married a Greek citizen receive a residence permit under the family reunification program.

Registration costs and validity periods

A foreigner receives an answer to an application for a residence permit 2 months after the submission of documents. Sometimes the consideration of a case takes a longer period. Most often this applies to applications that involve special conditions for a foreigner.

Registration of a residence permit will cost at 152 euros. This is the amount of the state fee that must be paid before submitting documents.

Refusal to issue a residence permit

If the application for a residence permit is refused, the foreigner still has the opportunity to challenge the decision in court. To do this, immediately after notification of a negative decision, contact a lawyer and file a lawsuit.

After filing a claim, the migrant receives a certificate that allows him to legally stay in Greece until the end of the hearing and the decision is made.

They refuse most often to those who:

  • Provided false information about yourself;
  • Violated the laws of Greece;
  • Made mistakes while writing the application;
  • Has no grounds for obtaining a residence permit;
  • Submitted fake documents.

Period of validity and extension of residence permit

The validity period of a temporary residence permit depends on the grounds for obtaining. Residence permit for work and study is issued for 1 year with subsequent extension. Investors, pensioners, wealthy citizens and real estate owners are issued a residence permit for 5 years.

You must apply for an extension before the expiration of your current permit. A positive result is possible if the grounds remain, or new reasons for staying in the country have appeared.

Grounds for depriving a foreigner of resident status

The reason for canceling a residence permit is the absence of a foreigner in the country more than 2 years... In this case, the permit is automatically terminated. They also deprive the status of persons involved in a crime who are members of a criminal group or terrorist organization.


Dmitriy:“Greeks are extremely outgoing and friendly. When meeting with relatives, friends and acquaintances, they kiss on each cheek. If you have met a Greek at least once, once again colliding with him, you will definitely be kissed. "

Elena:“During the siesta, the Greeks do not work. Even department stores are closed for a break, and at the legislative level. But this does not mean that the Greeks are a lazy people. Many local residents go to work before 5:00 in the morning, return home by lunchtime, leave again by 17:00 and work hard before sunset. "

To obtain a residence permit in Greece, the government has developed a large number of programs. This allows most of the foreigners who want to move to a European state to legally settle in the country. The procedure for obtaining a permit is extremely simple. The only thing that can overshadow the move is communication with local officials.
