Sample sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa


The sponsorship letter is necessary for persons who cannot pay for travel to the Schengen countries. These can be schoolchildren or university students, or just people with little income. In this case, the monetary obligations are assumed by a third party who is ready to confirm the availability of funds, which are sufficient for the trip.

Samples relevant in 2021

Most often, the document looks like this:

Why and who needs

Categories of citizens who need a letter:

  • Children under 14;
  • Unemployed or low income students;
  • Pensioners;
  • Persons with a small salary;
  • Unemployed.

Who can act as a sponsor depends on the visa itself:

  1. When applying for a tourist Schengen visa, the obligations are assumed by parents, brothers, sisters, children (if the visa is for a retired relative), spouses;
  2. When applying for a business visa, the sponsor can be the employer or the inviting party;
  3. In the case when a visitor visa is made, the responsibility (including financial) is assumed by the inviting party.


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The letter can be written in free form. It must necessarily contain:

  • Consulate name;
  • Full name of the applicant and sponsor;
  • Applicant's civil and passport numbers;
  • The nature of the relationship;
  • Travel period and destination countries.

The document does not need to be notarized.

Necessary and related papers

We will not dwell on all the certificates for applying for a Schengen visa, we will consider only those that must be attached to the letter itself. The sponsor must provide:

  1. Certificate of income from work and an extract from the personal account;
  2. A photocopy of a civil passport;
  3. A copy of the document confirming the relationship.

All certificates must be up-to-date at the time of contact, contain the signature and seal of the organizations. The sponsor's income must be more than 25 thousand rubles per month, and the bank statement contains the amount on the basis that 60 or more euros are needed for each day of the trip.

Letter for a child

If a child travels abroad, sponsorship can only be obtained by the closest relative (including a brother or sister) or a guardian. When writing, you need all of the above papers.

If there is more than one child, it is better that the letter is drawn up for each child by different parents.


The following factors should be taken into account, in which the document will not take effect, and access to the Schengen area will be naturally closed:

  • The presence of false certificates of salary and place of work;
  • Lack of official travel goals;
  • Vague return guarantee;
  • Lack of insurance;
  • Criminal prosecution;
  • The presence of debts.

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Attaching a sponsorship letter to the package of documents for obtaining a Schengen visa guarantees that a person leaving for European countries has sufficient funds to live, and he has every reason to return home after the trip.
