Form of the sheet of statistical accounting of arrival in the form of 12P


All foreigners entering Russia are subject to statistical records. The same applies to Russians migrating within the country. In order to keep records of migrants, the legislation of the Russian Federation obliges migrants to register.

Sample arrival statistics sheet

Before registering, you need to fill out a special form according to the form 12p in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Why do you need a document

Such records are kept in order to know how many foreigners are in Russia, for how long they are going to stay and where they plan to go next. Also, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is interested in data on the places of residence of citizens of the Russian Federation.

For an individual, it is necessary to issue a statistical registration coupon in order not to violate the laws in force. The sheet is required to obtain a temporary registration or residence permit.

Who is required to fill out the sheet

The following are obliged to fill out the document:

  • Foreigners, if the visit to Russia lasts more than a year;
  • Russians who wish to register at a new address;
  • Russians who have lived abroad for a long time and are going to return to their homeland.

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Any violation of this rule will result in a fine. Its size will depend on the region and is 2 - 5 thousand rubles.

When decoration is optional

In the following situations, refusal to fill out the arrival sheet is not penalized:

  • When moving within the boundaries of one administrative region or settlement;
  • When registering military personnel transferred to the reserve, if they return to live at a pre-conscription address;
  • When a foreign citizen makes a short-term tourist or business trip.

Attached documents

Additional documents are not required to register arrival at a new place of residence. To get a registration at a new address, you will need:

  • The passport;
  • Home purchase agreement, if the move is carried out to the purchased apartment;
  • Statement;
  • Owner's consent.

A foreigner will need originals and copies for migration registration:

  • Passports;
  • Migration card;
  • Visas.

Instructions for filling

Form 12 P filled in simply:

  • 3 point is filled in if there is a middle name;
  • In paragraphs 5, 8 and 9, information can be entered in two ways: in the fields, divided into cells on the left, or in full text on the right;
  • In paragraph 11, underline one or more options. If none is suitable, a specific reason is given;
  • In paragraphs 12 and 15-18, one of the options is underlined;
  • Skip question 13 if there was no employment;
  • Skip 14 if Social Security was not available.

Common mistakes

It is difficult to make a mistake when filling out the coupon. In order not to spoil the form:

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  • Do not fill in anything after 18 questions;
  • The term of the future stay is indicated only if it is known;
  • Citizenship is indicated with the official name of the country.

The statistical registration sheet of arrival is filled in to maintain and replenish statistics. Also, the form must be filled out so that in the future it is possible to resolve issues with registration at the place of residence or stay.
