Where does the President of Ukraine Zelensky rest?


Following the results of the elections in Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky became the current president of the country. According to the information published on the showman's Facebook page, the newly-minted president went to rest in hot Turkey.

What distinguished Zelensky on vacation

Details about the rest of the politician were told by the hotel staff. During his holidays, Vladimir tried to distance himself from the eyes of the public, preferring to spend the weekend in a five-star hotel closed from the press. The newly minted star did not have a pack of security guards and journalists.

The recently elected president can be understood: he went through the difficult path of the election campaign and needs peace and quiet. The hotel provided everything you needed. The hotel staff assure that no complaints were received from the president's neighbors: the man did not snore and behaved remarkably. In addition, it became known that this is Vladimir's first weekend after four months of hard work.

How much does the president's weekend cost

An employee of the five-star hotel, which houses the President of Ukraine with his family, said that the cost of the presidential villa is at least ten thousand dollars per day. However, the hotel administration denies any information about the cost of the president's vacation, which is rapidly appearing on the network. They convince journalists that such information is confidential and is discussed with clients personally.

Numerous sources of information about Zelensky's vacation signal that such villas have an individual pool, and the hotel staff do their best to entertain the guest. There are suggestions that the showman spent about 40 thousand dollars for several days of his vacation.

The hotel, where the president rested at the end of April, opened quite recently. Before the arrival of such an important guest, all the staff of the hotel complex literally stood on their ears to meet Vladimir Zelensky at the airport with a motorcade. In addition, during the period of residence, the main politician of Ukraine was provided with several people from the security service of the President of Turkey.

Vladimir Zelensky himself is still not used to his high-ranking position. Those who were lucky enough to see the president note that Zelensky walked the streets imposingly barefoot, in a T-shirt and shorts.

The current politicians are outraged by the activity of Internet users. They say that there is no need to count other people's money. Zelensky has the right to relax without prying eyes. Nobody even said that the presidents go on a bicycle trip to the nearest camp site.
