Treatment at the University Hospital Freiburg


The Faculty of Medicine, on the basis of which one of the largest hospitals in Europe was later established, was opened in 1457 on the basis of the German University. Albert and Ludwig in Freiburg. During its more than 250-year history, the clinic has managed to find fame as the leading medical institution in the country. The University Hospital Freiburg is a scientific institution, interdisciplinary research centers and 42 highly specialized departments at the same time. It employs doctors of the highest qualifications, and the number of patients reaches 1 million per year.

Advantages of the University Hospital Freiburg

The uniqueness of the University Hospital Freiburg (German Universitäts Klinikum Freiburg or UKF) is that it presents all possible areas of modern medicine, and also uses innovative technologies that are not available in other organizations. The institution employed doctors and teachers who at various times received the Nobel Prize for their achievements in science and medicine.

It was here that for the first time in the world such procedures were carried out as:

  • implantation of an axial pump Jarvik-2000 into the ventricle of the heart;
  • intrahepatic TIPS bypass;
  • brain surgery controlled by robots.

The Cancer Center at the University Hospital Freiburg (CCCF) has been awarded the title of "Leading Cancer Center" on several occasions.

In addition, the clinic is the best in Germany for the treatment of multiple injuries, strokes, as well as surgery on the lungs, spine, cochlear implantation and corneal transplant.

The peculiarity of the clinic is also that all departments and centers are located in a single complex in the center of Freiburg (full name Freiburg im Breisgau, German Freiburg im Breisgau) - a small town in southwestern Germany, practically on the border of France and Switzerland. This allows a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of patients to be applied - a specific specialist is responsible for certain stages of diagnosis and therapy.

Structure and medical directions of the Freiburg Clinic

The University Hospital Freiburg has the following departments:

  • anesthesiology and intensive care;
  • gastroenterology and hepatology;
  • gynecology;
  • dermatology;
  • pediatric and adolescent medicine (includes 4 highly specialized departments: cardiology, pediatrics, neuropediatrics and muscle diseases, oncology and hematology;
  • diabetological;
  • cardiology (3 departments: surgery, pediatric cardiology, cardiology and angiology in Freiburg and Bad Krozingen);
  • ENT diseases (otolaryngology);
  • radiation therapy;
  • center of neurology with 7 departments:
    1. neurology and neurophysiology;
    2. general neurosurgery;
    3. stereotactic neurosurgery;
    4. epileptic;
    5. neuroradiology;
    6. neuropathology;
    7. pain treatment.
  • nephrological;
  • general and visceral surgery;
  • oncology and hematology;
  • orthopedics and traumatology;
  • ophthalmic;
  • plastic surgery and hand surgery;
  • psychiatric and psychotherapeutic;
  • pulmonary;
  • radiological;
  • rheumatology and clinical immunology;
  • dental - 4 departments: operative dentistry, orthodontics, prosthetics, maxillofacial surgery;
  • thoracic surgery;
  • urology;
  • nuclear medicine and endocrinology.

There are 24 branches in total (42 together with subdivisions).

In addition to them, there are 9 scientific institutes on the territory of the clinic:

  • human genetics;
  • occupational medicine and health of the musculoskeletal system;
  • clinical chemistry;
  • music therapy;
  • pathology;
  • prevention of tumors;
  • forensic medicine;
  • cell and gene therapy;
  • infection prevention and clinical hygiene.

We also list 14 intersectoral centers:

  • for the treatment of breast cancer;
  • oncological diseases in general;
  • rare diseases;
  • muscle diseases;
  • diseases of the elderly (gerontology center);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (continent center);
  • organ transplantation;
  • physiotherapy;
  • emergency care;
  • sleep disorders;
  • medical microbiology and hygiene;
  • naturopathy;
  • biometrics and informatics;
  • Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency (CCI).

Reception and support of foreign patients at the University Hospital Freiburg

To serve patients from other countries in the University Hospital Freiburg, there is a separate structural unit - the Center for International Medical Services (International Medical Services, IMS). Its tasks include facilitating the passage of diagnostics and treatment in the clinic for foreign citizens.

Due to the specifics of the center's work, the staff is multilingual, including Russian-speaking employees.

Center employees are obliged to:

  1. Organize medical care for foreign clients.
  2. Send invitations for foreign citizens to obtain visas.
  3. Calculate the cost of treatment in the clinic.
  4. Arrange appointments with doctors and coordinate the entire treatment process.
  5. Book places to stay. Facilitate the settlement upon arrival of clients.
  6. Facilitate the transfer of funds and transfers from abroad.
  7. Issue medical reports.
  8. Advise on any emerging issues.

IMS makes the stay of foreign patients in the Freiburg clinic comfortable and pleasant, facilitates their communication with specialists and in every possible way supports them in a foreign country.

Remote consulting service

You can even consult with doctors from the UKF without leaving your country of residence. This service is called “second opinion” or “telemedicine”. The following services are available in this direction:

  • a written opinion of the doctor from the clinic based on the tests, images, medical reports and other medical documents sent to him;
  • online consultation using special communication programs;
  • assessment by the professors of the UKF clinic of the patient's radiological images (magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography, X-ray).

In order to find out the prices, terms of telemedicine, as well as other details, you need to visit the official resource of the university clinic in Freiburg: the website in German or its Russian-language version.

Prices for diagnosis and treatment at the University Hospital Freiburg

Turning to the university clinic in Freiburg to diagnose his condition, the patient can be sure that the examination will be carried out at the highest level using the latest technological equipment.

Competent diagnosis allows you to identify the disease at the earliest stage of development and significantly increases the likelihood of a successful cure.

Prices for complex examinations at the UKF clinic (in euros) in the main areas:

  • cardiological - 2,500;
  • gastroenterological - 3 400;
  • general therapeutic - 2,150;
  • hepatological - 3,500, with biopsy - 6,200;
  • pulmonary - 1,550;
  • urological - 2,000;
  • gynecological - 1,650;
  • neurological - 3,700;
  • oncological - 9,500;
  • endocrinological - 1,800;
  • allergic - 3 350;
  • general pediatric - 3,000;
  • phlebological - 1,700.

The cost varies depending on the number and complexity of laboratory tests required. In this case, at the end of the diagnosis, a final recalculation will be made and if some analyzes are not needed, the residual amount will be returned to the patient.

The examination ends with a consultation with a doctor, who prescribes further measures, treatment and a rehabilitation plan. By timing: simpler examinations take 1–2 days, more difficult ones - from 3 to 5 days.

Naturally, the cost of treatment will also depend on the complexity of the required surgical intervention.For example, chemotherapy or BCG immunotherapy procedures will cost the patient 2500–5000 euros. The cost of the most popular transactions (in euros):

  • Deep Brain Stimulation (deep brain stimulation) - from 65 thousand;
  • removal of a tumor in the brain - from 30 thousand, depending on the type of tumor (astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma) and other characteristics;
  • removal of a bladder tumor or transurethral resection (TUR) - from 4.5 thousand;
  • removal of uterine fibroid nodes or myomectomy - from 8 thousand;
  • removal of basal cell skin cancer (basalioma) - from 5 to 20 thousand;
  • ultrasound removal of tumors or treatment of diseases (FUS-therapy) - 10-13 thousand;
  • IVF - from 10 thousand;
  • artificial intrauterine fertilization - from 3.5 thousand

You can find out more specifically the cost of treatment by filling out a request on the website and sending it for consideration.

Organization of a treatment trip to the Freiburg clinic

For patients from Russia to receive medical services at the University Hospital Freiburg in person, there are three ways:

  1. Seek help from an intermediary company that will provide the client with a full service - translator, hotel reservations, air tickets, etc. Naturally, all services of the company are paid by the customer.
  2. Cooperation with the center of international services of the clinic itself, which will draw up an individual program of stay and make the patient's journey as easy as possible.
  3. Go to the clinic without intermediaries.

What you need to get to the UKF Medical Center:

  1. Send an application to the clinic. This can be done by e-mail, fax or phone, or use the form on the official website of the clinic. Attach an extract from the medical history (previously translated into German or English) and, if desired, additional images or test results.
  2. After the application has been processed (usually it does not take more than 48 hours), you will be sent a preliminary cost estimate for the treatment.
  3. Payment for treatment.
  4. The clinic sends an invitation for a visa to the patient at the German embassy.
  5. You get a visa, agree with the clinic on the date of arrival, book tickets, hotel, airport transfer. It will not be superfluous to immediately find an interpreter who will help you communicate with the clinic staff.

For more information on how entry documents are drawn up, read the material "Visa for treatment in Germany".


Today it is quite possible to go from Russia to Germany for treatment in one of the best multidisciplinary clinics in Europe. The University Hospital in the city of Freiburg willingly accepts foreign patients for treatment, and there is even a separate structure at the institution to accompany them - the Center for International Services.

After agreeing on all the details of the future treatment, the client receives an invitation from the clinic, on the basis of which a visa is issued. In addition to a personal visit to a clinic specialist, a telemedicine option is possible - receiving advice in writing or online.
