Marksburg Castle: Invincible Citadel


The Rhine Valley is a real kingdom of knightly castles. According to statistics, there is one medieval fortress for every 1.2 km. Most of the German citadels were destroyed and rebuilt more than once. But among them there is a fortress, which no enemy managed to take by storm for 900 years of its existence - this is the legendary Marksburg castle.

The history of the Marksburg fortress

Marksburg Castle is located in Rhineland-Palatinate near the town of Braubach. The first fortress appeared here in 1100 and belonged to the Eppstein family, among whose representatives were the electors and archbishops of Mainz and Trier. The first documentary mention of the castle, which was then called Braubach, dates back to 1231.

In 1283, the fortress passed into the possession of the Counts Katzenellenbogen, but by the beginning of the 15th century, there were no male heirs in this family, and the castle became the property of the Counts von Hesse.

In 1437, the chapel of St. Mark appeared in the castle, and it was named "Marksburg". During the Thirty Years War, the French destroyed all German citadels in the Rhine Valley, except for Marksburg - the castle withstood the siege and remained impregnable.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Napoleon conquered Germany and handed Marxburg over to the Duke of Nassau, who set up a prison and a shelter for the disabled in the citadel. In 1900, the German Castle Society bought Marksburg for 1,000 gold marks.

Today, the citadel houses the office of the Society of Castles and a museum. In 2002, the fortress was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the "Upper and Middle Rhine Valley" complex.

Architectural relic of the Middle Ages

Germany is famous for its picturesque medieval fortresses. But most of them are the product of restoration: in the past they turned into ruins and in the 19th-20th centuries they were rebuilt. But Marksburg Castle has never suffered significant destruction, so it is the only medieval citadel in the Rhine Valley that has survived in its original form since the 14th century.

The fortress is located on the top of a rocky hill 150 meters high. Some of its internal buildings are examples of the 12th century Romanesque style, but most of the buildings and defensive fortifications belong to the Gothic tradition.

A long, gently sloping staircase for horses leads to the castle. Riders could ride along it inside the fortress without dismounting. The walls along the stairs are decorated with the coats of arms of all the former owners of Marksburg.

The Romanesque palace - the oldest part of the complex - houses the chambers of the owners of the fortress. Here you can see a bedroom with a four-poster bed, an interior living room and a ladies' room with an antique spinning wheel.

The first floor of the Gothic castle is occupied by a kitchen and a dining room for servants and soldiers. It has preserved ancient dishes and an unusual medieval refrigerator.

On the top floor, celebrations and gatherings for distinguished guests were held. In the main hall there is a dining table with a removable tabletop, which, when changing dishes, was taken away with the dishes. Seating is provided in window niches.

A door in the corner leads to a palace toilet of an original design: it is attached to the outer wall of the fortress and hangs high above the ground.

From the hall you can go to the chapel of St. Mark, which gave the name to the castle. It is a small room with a ten-sided arched dome, frescoes on the walls and a statue of the Madonna in a niche.

The armory room contains the armor of German knights, cold and firearms of the 12th-19th centuries, old coins. The former stable houses a torture chamber with barbaric medieval devices.

The wine cellar contains old oak barrels for wine and beer. In the past, there were much more of them: the use of raw water often caused diseases, so the German knights drank wine instead of water.

On the artillery batteries cannons from the times of Napoleon can be seen.

The main tower of the castle is built in the shape of a cylinder, which rests on a square base. From a height of 40 m, an excellent view of the river Rhine and the surrounding area opens up.

Guided tours at Marksburg Castle

Marksburg can only be visited on guided tours. A walk through the fortress will take about 50 minutes.

In the summer season (from March 17 to November 1), tours are held daily from 10.00 to 17.00, in the winter (from November to March) - from 11.00 to 16.00.

On December 24 and 25, during the Christmas holidays, Marksburg is closed.

In winter, there is one excursion per hour. In the summer, the number of tours increases, at 13.00 and 16.00 there are guided tours in English. For groups of more than 10 people, tours are organized in English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Tickets cost 7 € for adults, 5 € - for children and adolescents under 18 years old, 6 € for students. Children under 6 years old can visit the castle for free. Parents with two children from 6 to 18 years old can purchase a family ticket for 16 €.

Unfortunately, the castle is not wheelchair accessible.

It is allowed to take amateur photos on the territory, but it is forbidden to shoot video and use cameras with a tripod.

There is a shop in the fortress where guests can buy postcards with images of the impregnable Marksburg, books, original jewelry and souvenirs.

How to get to Marksburg

The castle is located in Braubach at the address: Deutsche Burgenvereinigung e. V., Marksburg, 56338 Braubach.

The closest large city to Braubach is Koblenz. Local trains and regular buses run from Koblenz to Braubach.

From the Braubach train station, the fortress can be reached on foot along the picturesque Castle Trail, which will take about 20 minutes.

By car, Braubach and Marksburg Castle can be reached on the B42. There is a large car park next to the fortress. Parking costs: 2 € for a car, 5 € for a bus or trailer, 1 € for a motorcycle.

From March to October 15, a tourist mini-train runs from Braubach to Marksburg. The trailers, decorated in a historical style, can accommodate 50 tourists, the fare is 3 €.

Braubach Hotels

If you want to stay in Braubach, you can stay in hotels and guest houses that are located near the castles of Marksburg and Philippsburg:

  • Weinhaus Wieghardt **, st. Marktplatz, 7, from 33-37 €;
  • Gasthaus Goldener Schlüssel **, Marktplatz st., 14, from 54 €;
  • Bauernschänke Eckfritz, st. Obermarktstraße, 11, from 45 €;
  • Hotel Landgasthof, st. Brunnenstr. 4, from 55-75 €;
  • Pension Felsenkeller G **, st. 32, from 28 €;
  • Hotel garni, st. Oberalleestr. 1, from 35-40 €;
  • Rheinhotel Bellavista ***, Untere Gartenstr. 3, from 49 €;
  • Gästehaus garni, st. Gartenstr. 17, from 48-52 €;
  • Hotel-Restaurant Koppelstein, st. Braubacher Str., 71, 32-38 €.


Marksburg Castle is a unique historical heritage of the Middle Ages. If you are not indifferent to knightly romance, here you will have an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the feudal life and traditions.
