Average wages in Spain


Life in the European part of the continent is traditionally considered prosperous and attractive in all respects. However, the Kingdom of Spain, which is increasingly chosen by emigrants to move, is not a leader in technological progress and does not differ in the stability of the economic and political system. Despite this, it rather successfully copes with crisis situations, providing its residents with high living standards. An indicator of this is the average salary in Spain.

How do they live in Spain

Let's start with the fact that the Spaniards have the most vacations in Europe: the number of vacation days here is 39. Most of the locals are involved in agriculture, which in Spain is the leading economic area after the tourism business. Agricultural workers receive competitive salaries: from 900 to 2000 euros per month.

At the same time, there is no great demand for specialists with higher education in the country. The inhabitants of the kingdom willingly choose the following professions for themselves:

  • gardener;
  • salesman;
  • driver;
  • Secretary.

Many are content with a small business of their own: a souvenir shop, a hairdresser's, a pastry shop.

If we talk about income, then office workers on average can count on earnings in the amount of 1.5-1.7 thousand euros, but builders receive for their work from 8 to 10 thousand euros for each month worked.

Service workers can also afford to support their families. Maids, waiters, administrators show an income of 700-1100 euros, while gardeners and workers on farms and plantations have a salary of 1200-2100 euros.

At the same time, expenses are allocated as follows:

  • food - about 300 euros for two people;
  • utility bills - about 70-150 euros (depending on the type of housing and the number of family members);
  • travel - 40-50 euros;
  • communication - 40-60 euros.

Do not forget about rental housing, which starts here from 500 euros.

Minimum and average wages

The income of the Spaniards is not high. Although in the ranking for 2021 they took the 20th place in the world, and according to the general European statistics, they were given the honorable 16th place.

Let's start with the minimum wage. By the beginning of 2021, it grew by only 1% and today is 764.4 euros. If we compare with our neighbors in the European Union, we can say that this is quite a bit.

For example, in other countries the minimum wage is (in euros):

  • Netherlands - 1486;
  • Great Britain - 1041;
  • France - 1457;
  • Luxembourg - 1923.

The average income of citizens largely depends on the sphere in which they work and on the city in which they live. Madrid and Barcelona are considered wealthy (2000 - 2700 euros), Catalonia as a whole is in second place - 1700 euros, but they earn the least in Extremadura - 1300 euros per month.

Data from the Spanish Institute of Statistics show that on average, residents of the country earn 1,829.13 euros per month (before taxes). The amount for the year is 21,050 euros.

But despite the fact that incomes of citizens are relatively low compared to other European powers, Spain is in second place in Europe after France in terms of quality of life and fourth in popularity among migrants.

Remuneration by profession

The level of income of an individual employee is determined by the main criterion - the industry in which he works, as well as his profession and qualifications. And although the global crisis has significantly affected the Spanish economy, in recent years the job market has revived significantly.

Quite a lot of proposals today can be found in such areas:

  • medicine;
  • IT technologies;
  • trade;
  • industry.

There is a particular demand for those who speak Spanish and English. But among professions they are very popular:

  • sellers;
  • bank clerks with higher education;
  • cameramen;
  • technical staff at car service stations, wind power plants;
  • waiters;
  • programmers;
  • general practitioners;
  • assistant managers, preferably with knowledge of several foreign languages.

The ranking of vacancies by profession for foreign citizens is as follows:

  • seasonal workers, loaders in the processing and agricultural sector;
  • sellers, receptionists, refuelers, taxi drivers, car washers;
  • maids, nannies, housekeepers, nurses.

Doctors receive up to 50 thousand euros per year. The salary of the service personnel usually tends to be minimal.

The demand for unskilled workers is mainly due to the unwillingness of the Spaniards themselves to do this or that job.

But stateless foreigners do not have a chance to become a police officer in the kingdom or take another public office.

Remuneration for architects, economists, programmers in this country is possible at the level of 3000 euros and above. These specialties can be considered the most highly paid. The average income of citizens by area of ​​activity is presented in the table:

ProfessionMonthly salary (euros)
Executives and managers4300
Security guards1900
Social workers1400
Service staff1050

How to find a job for foreign citizens

To find a legal job in Spain, you can use several search options:

  • sites offering work;
  • services of intermediary firms;
  • independently by advertisements;
  • in groups on social networks.

The main difficulty in employing foreigners in Spanish companies is the need for employers to obtain permits from the Ministry of Labor, confirming that no other candidate (in particular, among local residents) was found for this position.

Having received such a document, the employer sends it to the Spanish consulate in the country of citizenship of the future employee, where the latter will apply for a work visa. However, an employment contract has yet to be signed, which should contain the conditions for hiring.

For those who intend to go to a sunny country for seasonal work, it is better to use the services of intermediaries. But in order not to become a victim of scammers, you should definitely make sure that this company has a license.

Features of Spanish taxation

The issue of collecting taxes for residents of Spain can be called quite painful, since a large part of their income is sent monthly to La Agencia Tributaria (Tax Office).

Taxes are charged on a progressive scale: the more a taxpayer earns, the more deductions he will have to pay.

Hence the conclusion: it is unprofitable to receive a lot in this country. This situation is the main reason for the prosperity of shadow business here and the great desire of citizens to hide their real incomes.

At the same time, tax payments are not levied on such types of income as:

  • pensions;
  • scholarships;
  • benefits received by the unemployed;
  • literary awards.

The amount of the bet is as follows:

Income (euros per year)Rate size,%
Up to 12 45019
Up to 20,00024
Up to 35,00031
Up to 60,00037
Over 60,00045

Do not forget about the insurance premium, which is mandatory for all categories of citizens. And although the employer pays most of it, the employee will still have to say goodbye to 4-8% of his monthly salary in order to be able to use medical services for free.

The problem with working in Spain

The opinion that the problem of unemployment exists only in developing countries and in Eastern Europe can be classified as erroneous. The countries of the central and western European part are also forced to constantly keep this issue under control.

So, in 2021, the Kingdom of Spain was at the top of the anti-rating in terms of the number of citizens who lost their jobs. In 2021, this figure reached 25.6% of the total working-age population of the country.

Economists call the main reasons for this situation:

  • inconsistency of educational programs in universities with modern realities;
  • good unemployment benefits, which are sometimes higher than the salaries of some working citizens;
  • a large number of illegally employed employees;
  • ineffective work of local employment centers;
  • changes in the Labor Code, which significantly simplified the procedure for dismissing employees;
  • an increased number of immigrants who enjoy benefits from the state to the detriment of the indigenous population.

The last important factor, experts say, is the Spanish mentality. It must be admitted that the inhabitants of this country can hardly be called workaholics.

The Spaniards themselves explain their low labor productivity by the fact that they are endowed with a very strong temperament, and therefore need a long rest. All this taken together has led to the situation in which the Spanish labor market finds itself today.


Salaries in the Spanish kingdom are not the highest in Europe. However, it is quite enough to lead a decent lifestyle and enjoy all the benefits that life on the sunny coast promises.

The minimum wage here barely reaches 800 euros, and the average salary is 1600-1800 euros per month worked. IT specialists, doctors and industrial workers receive the most in Spain. But foreign citizens can count on a high income only if they have higher education and knowledge of foreign languages.
