Sample Sberbank account statement for a visa


To obtain a visa, you need to prove financial well-being. One of the possible ways to confirm solvency is a bank statement, in particular, from an account opened with Sberbank.

Sample document

The document might look like this:

In what situations is it necessary

A certificate may be needed when obtaining a tourist visa. For example, it will help open the borders of the Schengen states.

The document is a way to prove:

  • Ability to pay all possible expenses during the trip;
  • Possession of a certain material status - the consulate is more willing to let a wealthy person into its territory;
  • Income at home as a reason to return to Russia.

Issuing an extract from the Sberbank account for a visa

Information about the account assigned to a plastic card can be obtained in different ways. For documentary confirmation of the level of earnings, 3 are suitable:

  • Personal appeal to the department. This method will allow you to get a certificate in the format required by the consulate of a particular country. In this case, you need to transfer all the requirements of the consulate to an employee of Sberbank. The reliability of the information will be confirmed by the signature of the head of the department and the round stamp of the fin. institutions;
  • Using an ATM. To get help, you need to insert the card into the terminal and select the "Card History" service in the information tab. This method is easier than the previous one, but the information will not be stamped;
  • Receiving a statement by mail. Sberbank provides an opportunity to receive information by mail on a monthly basis. The sent document can be taken to the specialists of the consulate, but it will not be stamped and signed.

Data received through Sberbank online or using an SMS code are not suitable for submission to a diplomatic mission.

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When applying for a visa, you may need a certificate in English. The transfer can be carried out by Sberbank employees, but not in any branch. The document will be ready in 3 working days.

The translation can be done by an accredited agency. In this case, it will have to be notarized.

How to get a

After a personal appeal to the department, you can pick up the finished statement on the spot or ask to send it by mail - electronic or traditional. The electronic version is suitable for printing and submission to the consulate, but it will not bear the bank's stamp.

Certificate validity period

According to the general rules of diplomatic missions, bank documents remain valid for a month from the date of their issue.

You should not submit an extract to the dealership that will expire in a few days. It is highly likely that the consular staff will not have time to consider all the documents and will have to make a new certificate.

An extract from the personal account will help to convince foreign representatives of the state of material support. The most reliable way to get a statement for a visa is to personally contact a bank branch.
