Estonian traditions


Estonia is a small state in Northern Europe. The formation of the country's culture was greatly influenced by the centuries-old struggle against the feudal lords.

Marriage culture

The people of Estonia respect ancient traditions with great respect. Thus, the conclusion of a marriage is accompanied by the wearing of the headdress of a married Estonian woman on the bride. The marriage is considered to have taken place only after the main wedding rituals have been performed, and not after the end of the wedding ceremony. The marriage is accompanied by the abduction of the bride and a test of the young couple's skills in housekeeping.

Christmas in the bath

According to ancient Estonian beliefs that came to modern culture from paganism, the onset of Christmas must be accompanied by a bathhouse trip. It is believed that bathing before the start of the new year helps to heal all diseases and kindle an inner fire in a person, which will warm his flesh until the next Christmas.

In pagan times, people went to the bathhouse before dark. At a later time, attendance at a church service was added to the festive customs, so they went to wash at the onset of the first morning of the new year.

Singing nation

Estonia is a country proud of its homeland and mother tongue. For centuries, folk songs have been formed in its culture, which express the love of Estonians for their homeland and language. This is how the national national Estonian song festival was born, which is held every five years. Various choirs and brass bands perform folk songs and music.

The celebration is an amazing event that has been listed as an Intangible World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The number of some musical groups performing at the Estonian Song Festival exceeds 1000 people.

Restraint and honesty

Estonians are people who do not like to express emotions through loud words, active facial expressions and gestures. They are adherents of polite but reserved communication, which can make them seem unfriendly people. This is reflected not only in interpersonal relationships, but also in business. The seller should be polite when communicating with the client, but he should not show undue care and attention to the buyer.

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Honesty is an integral part of the Estonian mentality, which has become not just a cultural feature, but a kind of tradition. The locals are very proud that they don't like to lie. When drawing up contracts, Estonians write the amount only in numbers and do not duplicate it in words. It is hard for them to imagine that someone could decide to cheat and forge a document.

Despite the fact that Estonians do not like to show emotions, they are an empathetic nation that values ​​their traditions very much.
