Consent to the processing of personal data for a visa


According to the Federal Law "On Personal Data", it is possible to collect, store, process and transfer to third parties the individual information of a citizen only with his written permission. Usually it is enough to tick a box in one of the clauses of the agreement or statement. However, in order to consent to the processing of personal data for a visa, you need to prepare a separate document, without which the application will not be considered.

Why consent is needed

Consent to the processing of individual data is necessary in order to protect personal information about a citizen from getting to persons who can use this data for personal gain. Consent to work with personal information is drawn up when applying for an exit document, a Schengen visa is no exception.

It is important to remember that each consulate has its own requirements for obtaining consent. Therefore, before drawing up the document, it is necessary to find (download from the official website, personally take from the consulate) the current form and fill it out.

Consent must be drawn up for everyone who applies for a visa.

Filling rules

The form is filled out without blots, errors, legible handwriting, or printed on a PC. Regardless of the country of visit, the consent sample contains the following mandatory information:

  • Title of the document.
  • Place of compilation.
  • Date of writing.
  • Text where you need to specify:
    • FULL NAME. applicant;
    • details of a civil passport of the Russian Federation, for persons under 14 years of age - a birth certificate;
    • registration or residence address;
    • a list of personal information for the processing of which permission is given;
    • confirm that the applicant gives the right to perform specific actions with the data: collection, storage, systematization, updating, transfer to third parties, and everything within the framework established by law;
    • the period for which permission is given to work with personal information. Consent can be unlimited;
    • the ability to revoke consent at any time at the written request of the data owner;
    • that consent is written voluntarily, without coercion and in the interests of the applicant.
  • Authorization signature. Full name. Minors are signed by their legal representative.

If the consent form is filled out for a minor, then the child is indicated by the subject, and then a record is made about his legal representative or guardian.
