Frankenstein - a special castle in Germany


Germany is rich in unique attractions, but it is in the vicinity of Darmstadt that there is something truly special. Those who are tired of classic excursions will certainly be interested in visiting Frankenstein Castle in Germany. We propose to consider in more detail the history of this cult place, which influenced both classical literature and popular culture in general.

History and myths of Frankenstein castle

Having received land on the Odenwald hill as a dowry, Konrad Reitz von Breuberg began building the castle, which was fully completed in 1250. In the XIV century, the building passed into the possession of the Frankenstein dynasty, which came from a family of knights. This type of activity came in handy, because in those days it was necessary to constantly repel attacks on the fortress.

Subsequently, the Frankensteins were awarded the title of barons, but were never able to take their place among the successful dynasties. The financial situation of the clan was rapidly deteriorating, so the castle eventually had to be sold.

The fame and well-established image of the building was formed by the new owner - Johann Konrad Dippel, who called himself "von Frankenstein", formally having nothing to do with the surname.

Dippel served as a diplomat in Denmark and was engaged in science. Among his famous achievements, it is worth noting the invention of the stethoscope and the Dippel oil, which is still used today.

Having equipped an excellent laboratory in the castle, Johann conducted rather eccentric experiments: he worked with explosives and even tried to discover the secret of eternal life using fragments of corpses from a nearby cemetery. All this terrified the locals and served as the basis for creating the image of Victor Frankenstein in the famous novel.

Frankenstein Castle inspired literary figures to create works. In the 19th century, the fortress was visited by the brothers Grimm - famous authors of fairy tales. It is noteworthy that Mary Jane Clairmont, Mary Shelley's stepmother, was engaged in the translation of their works into English. Perhaps it was her retelling of the mystical legends of the castle that inspired the young writer to write the novel "Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus" and create the image of the Frankenstein monster. It is also known that Shelley visited the castle with her husband.

Frankenstein Castle is surrounded by dark forest, which complements the Gothic image of the building. Magnetic rocks located in the forest can interfere with radio equipment. This property of stones is often attributed to a mystical nature. Legends say that lightning hitting the hill endowed the forest with witchcraft.

The famous fountain of youth is located in the immediate vicinity of the castle. According to legend, the water from the fountain contains the energy of life and is able to restore its former youth. It is not surprising that the fair sex is actively interested in this place. In earlier times, the fountain was treated rather with caution and believed that everyone who dared to touch the water would be tested by dark forces.

Castle exterior

Frankenstein Castle was designed in a Gothic style, which defined its gloomy image. Initially, the building served as a defensive fortress with a suspension bridge. Later, the castle was a residential building and was rented out: at different times, a shelter, a hospital and even a military prison were located on its territory.

In our time, unfortunately, the castle is more like ruins: only the chapel, towers and fragments of the walls of the fortress have survived. In the 19th century, the towers were restored, but without observing the historical accuracy.

Halloween at Frankenstein Castle

If for historians the ruined castle of Frankenstein is not of particular interest, then such a circumstance only plays into the hands of horror lovers. Autumn is a special time for the castle, as these days there is a Halloween festival. You will surely meet people who dressed up as vampires, zombies, mummies and other monsters.

On the eve of the holiday, the building is transformed thanks to the installed decorations and special lighting.

The holiday is not complete without additional events. You will visit the most terrible and dark nooks of the castle in the dungeons and towers.

The show of Frankenstein's monster is traditionally considered the main number of the program. They say that these days you can see the ghost of Konrad Dippel, who, according to legend, visits his domain every year.

A ticket to the festival is paid.

Opening hours and excursions

Free guided tours of Frankenstein Castle are offered every Sunday at 14:00 and 15:30. Those interested can voluntarily donate 1 euro to the castle fund. It is also possible to visit a restaurant near the castle, which offers a beautiful view of the surroundings. Information about upcoming events can be found on the official website. The operating mode and related information are given in the table:

Opening hoursMonday-Tuesday: 10: 00-16: 00
Wednesday-Sunday: 11: 00-22: 00.
October 31 - Halloween Festival

Routes to the castle

The fortress is located at: Burg Frankenstein, 64367 Mühltal, which is 40 km from Frankfurt and 5 km from Darmstadt. If you are traveling by car, follow the signs to the A5 motorway.

From Darmstadt, Malchen can be reached by tram lines 6 and 8. Continue along Frankensteiner str. and find a footpath that leads directly to the castle. There is no direct public transport route to Burg Frankenstein.

Darmstadt landmarks

When traveling to Frankenstein Castle, Darmstadt is also worth a visit. The city has something to surprise sophisticated tourists, because it is not without reason that it is considered one of the best cultural and scientific centers in the region.

Darmstadt is known for the following attractions:

  • Darmstadt Palace. Located in the city center, it was the residence of the Dukes of Hesse-Darmstadt.
  • Russian Orthodox Church of St. Mary Magdalene. It was built with the assistance of Emperor Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, who had German roots.
  • Colony of artists. A complex consisting of monuments of architecture in the Art Nouveau style.
  • Rosenhöhe Park. An English park where flowers and rare species of trees are planted.
  • "Lesnaya Spiral" is a residential complex, which is notable for the complete absence of rectangular shapes in design.
  • Wasserturm. The former water tower, which houses the restaurant and art gallery.
  • Louise Square is the central square of the city.
  • Vortex Garden is a public park with unique pieces of art.

Seductive horror

There is no doubt that Frankenstein Castle in 2021 will gather a huge number of thrill seekers around it. The mysterious atmosphere of the castle still has an extraordinary appeal. A rich legacy in the form of legends, literary works and numerous film adaptations will contribute to the popularity of this place for many years.
