From May 29 to June 25, you can take a direct train from Moscow to Ruskeala Park


In the period from May 29 to June 25, 2021, tourists are given the opportunity to make a trip from Moscow to Ruskeala without making changes. At this time, the direct car will be connected to trains No. 159/160 Moscow - Petrozavodsk and "Ruskealsky Express" No. 921/922 Sortavala - Ruskeala.

By train # 160 you will leave the Leningradsky railway station at 16.00 and arrive in Sortavala at 6.34 the next day. Then you will go to Ruskeala in the same carriage as part of the Ruskeala Express. From there you can return by train at 17.30. At 18.30 he will arrive in Sortavala, and the car will be connected to train # 159, heading from Petrozavodsk to the capital of Russia. In accordance with the schedule, he will arrive in the capital of the Russian Federation at 10.16 the next day.

In a direct carriage running from the capital to Ruskeala, social distance will be taken into account when placing. One compartment will accommodate four people. Previously, there were seats for six passengers. People will sit by the aisle and by the window. The seats in the middle will remain unoccupied. Tickets can already be purchased through the Russian Railways website. Information that the train will start running was posted on the Instagram of Ruskeala Express and the park.

Ruskeala's Instagram reports that it will be open to tourists from May 30th. Visitors will be able to get there only if all sanitary requirements are met. Tourists must wear PPE and be aware of the social distance of 1.5 m.

It is possible to enjoy the sightseeing excursions "Marble Canyon" and "The Road of Mountain Masters", "Underground Ruskeala" in the composition not exceeding ten people. In Ruskeala, food can be purchased only in the Leto cafe, which sells takeaway. Park "Secret paths of the Earth KALEVALA" and the museum "Abode of Angels" will be available to tourists. Souvenirs can be purchased at special shops. Visiting Ruskeala is also allowed for individual tourists. The Extreme Park will be closed for tourists.

Earlier, due to the coronavirus infection, the movement of this train was suspended, and Ruskeala was closed.

Ruskeala Mountain Park is a unique place. This attraction is located in South Karelia. Its gem is an old marble quarry filled with groundwater. This historic site is a cultural heritage site. Such buildings in St. Petersburg as the Winter Palace, St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals were decorated with marble quarried. From north to south, the quarry stretches for 460 m, and its width is about 100 m. After the Great Patriotic War, most of the workings went under water. In 1998, the main quarry of marble quarries became a cultural heritage site and was taken under state protection. During this period, it was decided to create a park.

Sortavala is located in the Northern Ladoga area. Earlier the city was called Serdobol. More than a century ago, it belonged to Sweden, then Finland, the Soviet Union. From Sortavala you can get to Valaam Island by “Meteor”.
