Certificate of passing fingerprinting


Fingerprint registration is approved by Federal Law No. 128 “On State Fingerprint Registration in the Russian Federation” dated 25.07.1998. Fingerprinting is mandatory for:

  • employees of departments performing work of increased danger (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergencies, FTS);
  • citizens suspected of committing crimes;
  • foreigners applying for a residence permit;
  • refugees.

A complete list of persons obliged to undergo the procedure is indicated in Art. 9 of the law. Any citizen of the Russian Federation can voluntarily undergo the procedure on the basis of an application. The sample and the form of the certificate of passing the fingerprinting were approved by the decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 22.02. 2021 N 68.

Description of the form

The collection of fingerprints is carried out free of charge, confidentially and guarantees identification in the future in difficult life situations: loss of memory, accidents, disasters, terrorist attacks, loss of documents.

Information on the passage of fingerprint registration is issued at the request of a citizen. As can be seen from the example, the certificate indicates the personal data of the citizen who has passed the fingerprinting, the details of the application (date and incoming number), information about the place where the document was submitted. Also, the form contains information about how and by whom the procedure was carried out, and the stamp of the regional department of the GUFM. Mandatory information includes a link to FZ-128, which regulates fingerprint registration.

Features of filling

As a rule, questions about how to fill out a certificate of fingerprinting do not arise, because the document only confirms the fact of the procedure.

Help text should contain the following information:

  1. What type of fingerprinting the applicant underwent: voluntary, mandatory.
  3. Date of Birth.
  4. Citizenship.
  5. Floor.
  6. Place of Birth.
  7. Registration or residence address on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  8. INN.
  9. Date of submission of fingerprints.

The following is information about the department that performed the fingerprinting:

  • name of the UVM;
  • surname, initials, title and signature of the employee who took the prints.
