Moving to Germany for permanent residence from Russia in 2021: migration procedure


The German nation is aging: 20% of Germans are over 65, the birth rate is falling. Germany is interested in the influx of young and active citizens who can contribute to the development of the state: to work successfully, do business and science, have children. In recent years, German legislation has significantly simplified the process of immigration to the country for different categories of citizens. Moving to Germany for permanent residence in 2021 continues to remain attractive for Russians, promising life in a country with stable economic growth, high living standards and social security.

How to get a residence permit in Germany

Living in Germany for more than 90 days within six months is possible for a foreign citizen with a residence permit (residence permit). The Law on Residence in Germany (AufenthaltsG) states that obtaining the status of Aufenthaltstitel (residence permit) is possible only for those foreigners who entered the country on a national visa category D and applied with the appropriate application to the Office of Foreigners.

A residence permit is issued for a period of six months to two to three years and, if necessary, can be extended. The reason for obtaining a residence permit can be study at a university or practice / internship, opening your own business or working under a contract, marriage with a German citizen.

For more information about what is necessary to obtain a residence permit in Germany, about the pros and cons of this status, you can find out from the article "Residence permit in Germany".

It should be remembered that a residence permit does not automatically give the right to work in Germany - each case must be specially registered. A residence permit allows a foreign citizen to apply for permanent residence in the future (Niederlassungserlaubnis) and, in the long term, German citizenship.

Permanent residence in Germany: basic conditions for acquiring status

The legal basis for a foreign national to obtain the right to reside and work (Niederlassungserlaubnis) in Germany is set out in § 9 of the Residence Act (AufenthG). According to the requirements of the law, in order to acquire a German permanent residence, a foreigner must:

  • reside legally in Germany for at least five years;
  • have a means of subsistence: have on an account in a German bank from 130 thousand euros or more for a family or a monthly income of 1200-1500 euros per person;
  • make voluntary or compulsory contributions for 60 months (9.75% of salary, another 9.75% is paid by the employer) to the state pension fund;
  • to comply with the law, during the last three years not to be brought to criminal and administrative responsibility and not to pose a danger to others;
  • have a work permit (for those who came to Germany on a work visa) or carry out other legal activities;
  • have sufficient knowledge of the German language (level A2, B1) and basic knowledge of the legal and social order, the rules of life on the territory of the federal state in which the resident lives. As a confirmation of the knowledge of a resident, the law requires a certificate of completion of an integration course by a foreign citizen;
  • have housing, the area of ​​which is sufficient for family members to live with him (if any).

These are basic requirements, they can be specified, adjusted, simplified depending on the real situation. The grounds for this are set out in the relevant paragraphs of the Residence Act:

  • 19 and 42 - about highly qualified specialists;
  • 21, paragraph 4 - on entrepreneurial activity;
  • 23, 26 - about political, humanitarian and other reasons;
  • 28 - on family reunification);
  • 35 - about minor foreigners with a five-year residence permit;
  • 38 - about former citizens of Germany;
  • 44 - on the exemption of certain categories of citizens from the integration course.

Methods and terms of receipt

There are more than thirty ways to obtain the status of a residence permit in Germany, but not all of them can lead to obtaining the status of a permanent resident of the country. The possibility of obtaining permanent residence in Germany for citizens from Russia, Belarus or any other CIS state largely depends on what program is used for immigration, on the personal qualities of the applicant and other conditions.

Let's consider the main options with which you can get the Niederlassungserlaubnis status:

  • work in Germany. High qualifications, excellent knowledge of the German language (B2), possession of a profession that is in short supply in Germany (IT personnel, engineers, blue-collar workers, construction workers, middle and lower-level medical personnel) - all these factors make it possible to obtain a residence permit with an extension, and after five years, having a work contract, get permanent residence. Holders of the "Blue Card" have the possibility of accelerated receipt - after 33 months of continuous work experience in Germany in their profession. This period can be reduced to 21 months if the specialist speaks German at the B1 level and above. Unique knowledge or high achievements in science or sports can reduce this period to a minimum;
  • business immigration is one of the most popular ways for Russians to obtain a residence permit, and then permanent residence in Germany. An entrepreneur and his family members receive a residence permit status for one year with the right to renew (subject to legal compliance, stable and successful business operation). If within three years the company has made a profit, then the residence permit is extended for two years at once. A business immigrant and his family members can apply for the status of Niederlassungserlaubnis after three years of a residence permit (with stable financial profits) or after five years of residence in Germany, after passing the German language test;
  • study at a German university. In this case, the student receives a residence permit for 1-2 years with the right to extend until graduation and, if he decided to stay in Germany, a residence permit for job search (up to 18 months), upon concluding a contract - permanent residence;
  • family reunification - marriage with the holder of German citizenship or permanent residence, moving to the country of the spouse and minor children. Requirements for a spouse are minimal - knowledge of German at the A1 level and her reaching 18 years of age. The spouse receives a residence permit with the right to renew, then permanent residence or German citizenship, if the marriage is more than three years old - subject to cohabitation for the last two years in Germany.

German law provides for two more options for accelerating the acquisition of permanent residence and citizenship.

It is possible for a Russian citizen to obtain permanent residence in Germany if he is the spouse of a so-called late immigrant or a citizen of the former Soviet Union of Jewish nationality.

In the first case, citizens who do not have German roots, but are spouses of descendants of immigrants from Germany (must confirm the presence of German blood from their parents, grandfathers or great-grandfathers), receive a residence permit for three years, then permanent residence and citizenship. Descendants and joint children themselves acquire German citizenship automatically, without applying for permanent residence.

The second option - Jewish immigration - is designed for persons of Jewish origin who live in states on the territory of the former USSR: Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and others. Jews and their spouses immediately receive permanent residence for six years with the subsequent acquisition of German citizenship, their children - a residence permit.

Theoretical chances of obtaining permanent residence exist for Russian citizens when they apply to the Office for Migrants and Refugees (BAMF) for political asylum.

The procedure for obtaining permanent residence in Germany

The procedure for obtaining permanent residence in Germany differs depending on who is applying for this status.Those who already live in Germany with the status of a residence permit should apply to the Office for Foreigners (Ausländerbehörde) at their place of residence.

The procedure for obtaining the status of a late immigrant for those who wish to leave for Germany for permanent residence, if they have German roots, consists of two stages. At the first stage, the applicant, being in Russia, submits an application (Antrag) and documents for obtaining a status. At the second stage, in Germany, the registration procedure takes place in the camp in Friedland. Here, immigrants will be able to undergo initial adaptation, receive support and start applying for their German citizenship.

You can learn more about the scheme for applicants for obtaining the status of late migrants, what documents they need for this, where to apply, what is the procedure and terms for considering the application, you can read the article "Late migrants".

Special conditions also apply for the immigration of Jews. To fly to Germany, relocation applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • be of Jewish origin (grandparents are enough);
  • speak German (minimum requirement - A1). This requirement does not apply to children under the age of 15;
  • be citizens or reside in states on the territory of the former USSR, including Kaliningrad, excluding Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia;
  • have confirmation that one of the Jewish communities of Germany will accept immigrants - conclusions from the Zentralen Wohlfahrtsstelle der Juden Charitable Committee of Jews or the Union der Progressiven Juden for Progressive Judaism;
  • have integration potential: profession, qualifications, work experience, age, knowledge of languages.

For Jews born before 01/01/1945, exceptions can be made: knowledge of the language and integration potential are not required. But they need to prove the fact of their persecution.

All issues of resettlement of Jewish citizens in 2021 are in charge of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

The procedure includes several stages. The first step is to obtain an invitation to the German consulate and submit an application. Then you should wait for decisions on distribution and admission. Within a year after the decision on admission is made, the applicant must apply for a visa for 90 days and leave for Germany.

More complete information about what opportunities exist for Russian citizens with Jewish roots to travel to Germany, what documents need to be drawn up, where to go and what to do upon arrival in the country, can be obtained from the article "Jewish immigration to Germany".

What documents are required

There are several options for what documents should be submitted for registration for permanent residence in Germany. The first one concerns those who have lived in the country for 5 years or more with a residence permit and have the necessary income:

  • students who studied at universities in Germany;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • entrepreneurs.

To apply for permanent residence at the Office for Foreigners (Bundesverwaltungsamt, BVA), you must pay a fee (135 euros) and submit the following package of documents:

  • application (how to obtain a residence permit);
  • international passport;
  • 2 biometric photos 35 x 45 mm;
  • certificate of income for the last three months;
  • confirmation of employment (certificate of wages from the place of work);
  • certificate of registration;
  • confirmation of the availability of housing that meets the established standards (purchase and sale agreement, rental agreement);
  • certificate of completion of the integration course and its copy;
  • medical insurance.

The second option concerns the late settlers:

  • application form for admission (Antrag auf Aufnahme nach dem Bundesvertriebenengesetz);
  • power of attorney (Vollmacht) for a representative from Germany;
  • notarized copies of passports of all family members, which are included in Antrag;
  • notarized copies of certificates of family members (about birth, marriage, divorce, adoption);
  • copies of birth and death certificates of grandparents;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • copies of the work book, diplomas, certificates, documents on the opening of an individual entrepreneur.

The documents must be translated into German. In addition to the above, it is necessary to present a certificate of the Goethe-Institut of German language proficiency of at least B1 level (only for the applicant).

For family members aged 18 and over - Start Deutsch 1 (A1) certificate. If you have relatives who have already taken advantage of the late immigrant immigration program, you need to add copies of their passports and Aufnahmebescheid.

The third option from the sets of papers should be prepared by Jews from the former USSR, who need a visa to Germany for permanent residence.

It includes originals and copies of documents translated into German:

  • international passports;
  • birth certificates;
  • military ID;
  • certificate, diploma of education, work book;
  • marriage certificates;
  • certificate of knowledge of the German language not lower than A1 level;
  • confirmation of Jewish origin (any documents that can serve as evidence - birth and death certificates, old passports, house books, certificates from the archive, and others);
  • two photos 35 x 45 mm;
  • application forms in German.

The applicant does not provide expert opinions from Jewish organizations in Germany - they will be requested by the Federal Office independently.

German citizenship as the ultimate goal of immigration

For many immigrants, the ultimate goal of integration into German society is acquiring German citizenship (Einbürgerung). This status gives full rights and obligations, including electoral rights, the possibility of visa-free travel to 145 countries, and the prohibition of deportation.

To obtain citizenship, you must:

  • have lived in Germany for at least 8 years and have permanent residence status;
  • receive a certificate of successful completion of the integration course, including the passing of the Einbürgerungstest - a test for citizenship;
  • provide financially for yourself and your family;
  • good command of German (from B1 and higher);
  • have no criminal record.

A prerequisite for obtaining German citizenship is renunciation of the previous citizenship. This circumstance stops some immigrants at the level of permanent residence status, which gives almost all the rights of German citizens.

After 15 years of permanent residence in Germany, the holder of permanent residence has the right to stay abroad for an unlimited time without the threat of its loss.

Frequently asked Questions

The topic of moving to Germany for permanent residence raises a large number of questions. We will try to give a short answer to some of them.

Many immigrants are concerned about how much money is needed to move to Germany. This issue is not regulated by law in any way; nevertheless, the ability to financially support oneself and one's family and not apply for state benefits is one of the defining criteria for submitting permanent residence in Germany. The living wage for a single person in Germany is 646 euros. With the most approximate calculations, the costs of a family with a child require two thousand euros per month.

For late settlers, the main condition will be the availability of money for a ticket to Friedland, where accommodation and meals are free. The main condition is not to be afraid and not to be ashamed to ask, to submit appropriate applications: Germans perfectly understand that it is difficult to start living in Germany from scratch. Before the start of payments, you can receive a cash advance. For more confidence, it is better to have with you an amount of 300-500 euros per person.

Another question concerns persons with disabilities. This group of citizens has the same rights as all others, and there are no obstacles for them to move to Germany.

The question of which city in Germany is better to move to permanent residence is also of great interest. Late settlers themselves choose their destination. This issue is solved most often in their favor if there are objective conditions - the presence of relatives who agree to register with them or provide material assistance.For Jewish immigrants, the issue is resolved in accordance with the availability of free quotas in a particular federal state. For the rest - according to their employment or personal preferences.

Interesting fact. The procedure for renting real estate in Germany has been worked out to the smallest detail and functions so effectively that many German citizens live in rented apartments and houses all their lives.

According to statistics, the most comfortable living conditions in Germany are in Munich and Bavaria, less expensive life in the territory of the former GDR - in Leipzig, Magdeburg, Dresden. Students are more likely to choose Berlin, where there are more opportunities to get a good education.

Instead of a conclusion

Moving Russian citizens to Germany for permanent residence has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages is living in a politically stable European state, a country of modern technologies, high social and living standards, democratic freedoms and great opportunities.

Among the disadvantages are high competition, the need for a good command of the German language, the renunciation of Russian citizenship in the event of adopting German. Before leaving for Germany for permanent residence, you should thoroughly weigh the pros and cons. If you are German by birth and are thinking about the future of your children, you should put aside doubts and take action.
