Visa-free holidays in autumn 2021


The sea, the beach and the warm sun - all this is associated by many tourists with nothing else than summer. However, some simply do not have time to rest during the summer months, while others do not want to do this due to the high air temperature, leaving a more comfortable autumn period for travel. The need to obtain a visa permit significantly complicates travel. This makes many Russians look for options without having to comply with documentary formalities, with the ability to simply pack a suitcase and hit the road. So, let's try to figure out where to go on vacation without a visa in the fall of 2021.

Choosing a country for an autumn holiday

Visa-free entry to the country that you choose for your trip has a number of advantages: you do not have to collect an extensive package of documents, make an appointment at the consulate and defend your right to cross the border of the state you are interested in there. However, it should be remembered that even if you do not have to apply for a visa, no one has canceled the migration rules. This means that you still need to inquire about the basis on which it is possible to enter the country.

Choosing a destination where to fly on vacation, you need to find answers to the following questions:

  1. What kind of passport is needed to pass the control - foreign or domestic enough?
  2. Do I need to apply for an electronic entry permit or will the visa be pasted into the passport at the border? How much will such a stamp cost?
  3. How long can you stay at the resort without a visa.
  4. How long will the flight take (this is especially important if you are flying with children).

The next factor to consider is weather conditions. After all, it may turn out that the country you are interested in will be located on another continent, therefore, what we consider to be early autumn, they will have in early spring.

You need to understand:

  1. in what climatic zone is the country of visit
  2. what is the daytime temperature
  3. how warm or cold at night
  4. rainfall at this time of year
  5. how busy the beaches are

The financial component is no less important. Be sure to take an interest in the range of prices for tours at several resorts at once - for sure there is a place where your vacation will be inexpensive and comfortable. Moreover, at this time of the year, price tags in many areas are gradually starting to decline.

Well, and one more important point: you need to consider exactly how you want to spend your vacation. If you prefer a beach pastime, this will be one list of destinations, but if you are more interested in an excursion program, it is better to consider other countries. In short, decide what exactly you expect from the place where you want to go, calculate the budget and start considering options.

List of countries to which a visa is not required

For those who have definitely decided that they do not want to waste time on obtaining a visa, a table with a list of countries that willingly accept Russians in a visa-free regime and which should be visited in the fall will certainly come in handy:

DirectionPermitted period of stayDocuments, border crossing conditionsAverage air temperature in the country
Water temperature
return ticket;
financial guarantees;
international passport
Egypt30international passport
Visa is issued upon arrival, costs $ 25
international passport;
confirmation of solvency
return flight ticket;
international passport;
money at the rate of 150 USD for 1 day for 1 person
Maldives30international passport;
return ticket;
migration card
Sri Lanka30return ticket;
hotel reservation;
migration card;
international passport;
electronic authorization
Thailand30migration card
international passport
Jordan30hotel reservation;
international passport
The visa is put at the airport, it costs 40 dinars
UAE30Hotel reservation;
return ticket;
international passport
Vietnam15international passport;
return ticket
Dominican Republic90in case of staying for more than 30 days, you will have to buy a tourist card ($ 10)3128

You can also fly to Cyprus, Turkey, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia, Abkhazia, Georgia without a visa. But this should be done at the very beginning of the autumn season, while the weather has not yet deteriorated.

We have a rest in the fall in Russia

Autumn break from working days cannot be called so bad. At this time of the year, the demand for vouchers decreases significantly, the number of tourists decreases, which means that it becomes easier to breathe. But even if you do not expect to travel to distant lands, you can usefully spend time at home:

  • resorts on the Black Sea. The velvet season reigns here in autumn. Many vacationers cannot wait for the heat to subside and the bulk of the guests to eat away, giving connoisseurs of moderate temperatures an opportunity to enjoy comfortable weather conditions. The best choice will be Sochi, protected from the cold winds by the Caucasus Mountains. However, you should not be limited only to this direction - you can book a trip to the Crimea, giving preference to Yalta, Sevastopol, Gurzuf or Alushta;
  • if autumn, in your opinion, is the best time for excursions, then the time has come to take a ride on the Golden Ring. During the excursion tour you will visit the most ancient Russian cities, native Russian cuisine and acquaintance with the unique architecture;
  • St. Petersburg. The northern capital of Russia suits perfectly for an autumn trip. Here you will find numerous historical complexes, galleries, museums, park ensembles. However, if it is worth going to seaside resorts at this time of the year, while it is still warm, then you need to visit St. Petersburg before the rains begin;
  • Baikal and Altai. Those who prefer to spend it actively will have an excellent rest here. Cable cars, horse and sled dog rides, fishing - all this is conducive to distracting from everyday worries and to join nature, not yet much touched by man.

Do not exclude from the list also the Khabarovsk Territory, Kislovodsk, Kazan and Kaliningrad, where time will fly by unnoticed on numerous excursions.

Planning a vacation for September

Trying to understand what kind of vacation in the countries of which part of the world you would prefer, do not forget that at this time of the year you can no longer discount the weather conditions. The most popular destinations for a trip to the sea in September are traditionally Turkey and Israel. At the very beginning of autumn, these countries will be the ideal choice for the following reasons:

  • there are significantly fewer tourists;
  • prices are falling not only for vouchers, but also for goods in general;
  • the service remains of the same high quality;
  • the coming of autumn is not yet felt;
  • relatively close location;
  • the hotel staff speaks Russian well;
  • you can choose a hotel for families with children.

The good attitude of the local population towards Russians can also be considered a great advantage. They have long been accustomed to the fact that the main public comes from Russia, so the service is focused on the Russian-speaking tourist.

In Turkey, give preference to the southern resorts located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, but in Israel you have at your disposal the Mediterranean coast, resorts on the Red Sea, and unique health resorts on the shores of the healing Dead Sea.

This time will also be ideal for visiting Georgia, Abkhazia (just do not forget about the difficult Georgian-Abkhaz relations), the Balkan states, Uzbekistan.

Where to relax in October

Do not be sad if you have to plan your vacation for October.There are many places abroad where you can still soak up the warm rays of the sun. Every year Russian tourists are faced with a dilemma: where to go - to Turkey or Egypt.

And if in the first country in October it will already be slightly chilly, then for the Egyptian resorts this is the best time - in September it is still quite hot in this part of the planet: the air temperature in Egypt in mid-autumn is stably kept at around 30 degrees above zero, and the water is warming up up to 26 degrees. Only the trip should be planned so that it does not coincide with the school holidays in Russia, otherwise there will be no salvation from tourists.

Tunisia can be offered as an alternative to Egypt. The subtropical climate is conducive to travel here at any time of the year, but in the fall you need to be prepared for some natural instability, which can manifest itself in the form of light rainfall. And don't forget that autumn in Africa is an absolutely unique phenomenon.

Thailand is also gaining popularity in October. It is at this time of the year that the rainy season ends here and the weather begins to please with warmth. Phuket, Koh Samui, Pattaya are worth choosing.

Where to go in November

The last month of autumn is not a reason to stay at home. But if you are interested in a visa-free beach vacation at this time of the year, be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to fly - all possible directions will be on the other side of the ocean.

This month the weather in Thailand is already excellent, so feel free to buy a tour to this part of the world. More and more tourists tend to visit Vietnam as well. Go there in the fall, but choose the southern regions where hot weather is just beginning to set. Two local resorts - Hatin and Nghe An are perfect for relaxing on the beach. The air here warms up to 26 degrees with minimal precipitation.

November can be called ideal for a trip to Sri Lanka. During this period, your rest will not be darkened by strong winds or rains. The temperature regime will also please with its stability: + 28 C for air, + 26 C for water.

If transatlantic flights don't scare you, then feel free to consider destinations such as Cuba and Mexico. But if in November you already want to go skiing, go to Montenegro - this month is the snowiest in it.


Autumn is considered a great time of the year not only for sightseeing tours, but also for relaxing on the coast. Moreover, this can be done not only during the velvet season, but also at the very end of this transitional period.

When choosing a place to stay, you should take into account the rules for entering the target state, weather conditions, the cost of the voucher and the types of entertainment that the resort will be able to offer you. The best option would be countries that do not need a visa to visit.

Considering that autumn is still an unstable time of the year, you need to understand exactly where the weather cannot spoil your vacation. So, in September you can still go to Turkey, the Balkans and Israel. In October, it is better to visit Egypt, Thailand, Tunisia. But November will be the perfect time to relax in Sri Lanka, Cuba and Vietnam.
