Treatment in clinics in Spain


Blades in Spain is one of the most popular medical tourism destinations. This is a high level of development of the health care system as a whole, and the technical equipment of medical centers, which allows for high-quality diagnostics and the use of modern treatment methods, and competitive prices for services. But in order to organize this process correctly, you need not only to have information regarding the rules for entering the country, but also to be able to choose the right medical institution. How to do this and what you should pay attention to at the preparation stage, we will try to consider in more detail.

Why do patients choose Spain

A large number of various factors speaks in favor of undergoing all the necessary medical procedures in this particular state. First, in the ranking of the World Health Organization, Spain ranks seventh in terms of the quality of services provided and the level of development of the health system. And secondly, all-round government support for this area.

The meteoric rise of Spanish medicine began in the late 1980s. This was facilitated by reforms carried out in two directions:

  • training of own doctors and medical personnel;
  • increased funding.

Today, according to the American magazine Newsweek, the health care system in the Kingdom of Spain ranks third in the world.

What drives patients when choosing Spain:

  • high quality of the provided treatment;
  • excellent training (by the way, getting a medical specialty is not so easy here - only the most gifted candidates are selected);
  • the availability of modern equipment in clinics necessary for a comprehensive examination and carrying out medical procedures;
  • relatively low prices for the entire service;
  • climatic conditions;
  • unique natural resources that promote rapid recovery even after the most serious diseases.

Almost all medical centers in the country are located in picturesque areas, in close proximity to unique attractions. Moreover, the buildings of many institutions in this sphere themselves cause admiration and are worthy of the attention of visitors.

For example, while in Barcelona, ​​be sure to visit the Santa Creu Hospital, which until the beginning of the last century was the city's leading hospital. Today it is an example of Catalan architecture of the civil-Gothic style.

The uniqueness of Spain also lies in the fact that you can improve your health here in unusually beautiful natural areas. For these purposes, you can look for clinics in Tarragona, Marbella or on the island of Tenerife.

Leading Spanish clinics

The key areas of medicine in the country are:

  • orthopedics;
  • dentistry;
  • plastic surgery;
  • ophthalmology.

To get the necessary help from specialists in these areas, patients come here not only from Europe and the CIS, but also from Canada and America.

Spain has excellent conditions for the diagnosis of various diseases. In addition, it is an excellent place for multidisciplinary patients, as well as for patients with gynecological problems, in particular, reproductive disorders. Many patients choose Spain in order to have IVF or give birth to a child naturally.

Teknon - medical center in Barcelona

Centro Medico Teknon is the flagship of Spanish medicine. It is accredited by JCI (Joint Commission International), which confirms that the clinic adheres to the standards of high quality of service. The medical facility is located in one of the central areas of the capital of Catalonia.

The year of foundation is 1994. Today the territory of the center occupies about 60 thousand square meters. The campus is divided into 8 parts, communicating with each other.

The clinic belongs to the international group "Kiron", which is the world's largest network of medical institutions. The center has one of the most technologically equipped laboratories in Europe. Here, 3D printing of elements of the skeletal system is carried out, neuronavigation is actively used, which allows to achieve amazing results during operations, as well as the Da Vinci robot and the latest developments in the field of radiosurgery - TrueBeam, Novalis Tx.

The leading departments of the center are:

  • cardiology;
  • neurosurgery;
  • oncology;
  • surgery;
  • cardiovascular surgery;
  • cardiology;
  • traumatology.

Teknon Clinic in Barcelona in numbers:

  • 2000 employees;
  • 400 world-class specialists;
  • 211 single rooms;
  • 19 luxury rooms;
  • 20 operating rooms;
  • 22 thousand operations annually.

The clinic has many achievements. So, for example, in 2021, a way was found here to combat arthrosis with the help of bone tissue. And in 2011, the doctors of the center performed a stomach contraction through endoscopy (without an incision).

The Cancer Center, created with the participation of the Dean of Harvard University, a world-renowned doctor Jose Baselga, deserves special attention. Today, the oncology center successfully applies all methods of breast reconstruction: autologous tissue, prosthetics, mixed recovery.

Quiron - the leading medical center in the country

This medical center is considered the best in Spain in many respects. This is the training of specialists, and the level of equipment of the clinic in technical terms, and the quality of service. Location - Barcelona.

The center is part of the Kiron group, which ranks first in the country and third in Europe in terms of the number of clinics. About 1,500 specialists work here, all types of diagnostics are carried out:

  • beam;
  • PET-CT, MRI;
  • Ultrasound;
  • biopsy;
  • genetic research;
  • analyzes for tumor markers;
  • a wide range of blood tests.

The hospital has the following resources:

  • operating rooms - 23;
  • resuscitation boxes for adults - 13;
  • resuscitation boxes for newborns - 11;
  • delivery rooms - 3;
  • endoscopy halls - 3;
  • number of chambers - 165;
  • luxury apartments - 39.

The clinic's specialists apply progressive methods of treatment, successfully using the Da Vinci robot, a laboratory for assisted reproduction, and a clinical neurophysiology office.

The leading direction of the Kiron clinic is oncology, and the clinic itself is widely known thanks to the Baselga Institute of Oncology, which is part of it. Here, together with American centers, important research is carried out using the latest laboratory equipment in the field of:

  • oncohematology;
  • neurooncology;
  • gynecological oncology;
  • cardio-oncology;
  • oncomammology;
  • oncourology.

Another medical facility worthy of attention with the same name is Quiron Hospital Torrevieja. It is located in Alicante and is the leading cancer center in Valencia. The same center can be found in the Spanish capital, Madrid.

Dr. Blum's Hospital

The facility is located in Marbella, a region whose natural resources are part of a patient care program. The center specializes in health improvement and rehabilitation programs based on the author's methodology of Professor Yevgeny Blum. Here they tackle the most difficult tasks:

  • cerebral palsy treatment;
  • treatment of spinal injuries, scoliosis, posture disorders;
  • treatment of knee, hip joints;
  • rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • recovery after complex operations and injuries;

People treat here with chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, depression.

Dr. Blum's clinic in Spain works with the latest technology.For example, with 4D-technology, which allows for a comprehensive and complete examination of the patient's motor apparatus.

Planas Clinic in Barcelona

The Planas medical institution was opened in the Catalan capital in 1971 and at that time was the only center in Europe specializing in aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Today, several thousand operations are carried out here every year, the purpose of which is to change a person's appearance, rejuvenate. The solution of aesthetic issues is carried out in several industries at once:

  • nutraceuticals;
  • dentistry;
  • dietetics;
  • tracking the biological age of the patient.

The most demanded services in the clinic are:

  • blepharoplasty and face lifting;
  • correction of the shape of the lips, nose, ears;
  • an increase in buttocks, calves;
  • enlargement or correction of the shape of the breast;
  • correction of the shape of the abdomen;
  • liposuction;
  • reduction of the mammary glands in men;
  • hair transplantation.

Laser technologies help to relieve patients from age spots, wrinkles, skin changes caused by aging, tattoos.

In the process of diagnostics, a person who comes to the clinic takes not only a standard set of tests, but also undergoes a comprehensive study, up to genetic changes. The results obtained make it possible to identify the aging factors, on the basis of which a program is developed to slow down the aging of body cells.

Best Neurorehabilitation Center - Guttmann Institute

This medical facility was founded on the initiative of Guillermo Gonzalez Gilby, who was involved in an accident and was confined to a wheelchair. After being treated in Britain, he was convinced from his own experience that the technique developed by Professor Ludwig Guttmann allows patients to regain mobility and lead an active lifestyle, despite serious injuries.

As a result, in 1965, through the efforts of Gilby, a hospital was opened in Spain, specializing in the rehabilitation of patients with spinal injuries resulting from an accident. In 1999, it became subordinate to the Autonomous University of Barcelona and was named the Guttman University Institute for Neurorehabilitation.

A few numbers:

  • about 5 thousand patients with severe neurological injuries come to the center every year;
  • the number of patients aged 0 to 16 years is approximately 400 people per year;
  • the share of foreigners is just over 100.

Areas of rehabilitation that the Guttman Clinic deals with:

  • after suffering strokes;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • spinal cord lesions;
  • Cerebral palsy.

The clinic's specialists also tackle problems such as complications after serious illnesses: dystonia, spasticity, tetraplegia of the hands, neuropathic pain, sphincter dysfunction, dysphagia and many others.

Baselga Institute of Oncology

One of the largest and most influential cancer centers in the country. It was opened in 1995 at the initiative of the world famous specialist in this field, Jose Baselga, and bears his name. Part of the Quiron Salud Clinic in Barcelona.

Today, it provides a full range of services for the treatment of hematological and oncological diseases. The patients of the clinic are about 3 thousand people a year with a total number of requests of 18.5 thousand. On the basis of the center, there is an outpatient clinic, a day hospital and emergency medicine department.

The institute's departments are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases:

  • swelling of the neck and head;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • tumors of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • mammary cancer;
  • cancers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin cancer;
  • cancer of the genitourinary system.

It should be noted the "star" composition of the medical staff of the institute, including such famous names as Josep Tabernero, Javier Cortez, Isabel Rubio.

Sala-Planell - Institute of Endovascular Surgery

The Sala-Planell Institute is part of the Teknon Medical Center in the Catalan capital. This medical institution has earned a high status due to excellent patient care and the use of the latest medical equipment. Initially, the idea of ​​creating the institute was aimed at providing therapeutic and preventive services for patients with pathologies of the venous, arterial and lymphatic systems.

Currently, they provide medical assistance in the field of angiology, as well as endovascular and vascular surgery, in particular;

  • treatment of the syndrome of diabetic ulcers and diabetic foot, trophic ulcers;
  • minimally invasive surgery (we are talking about the application of the method of influencing the disease with radio waves according to the VNUS Closure system);
  • aesthetic phlebology - elimination of venous "pathways", reticulars, spider veins.

Special attention should be paid to sclerotherapy using foam and liquid cryosclerosis and sclerosant, as well as endovascular arterial surgery.

IMO - Institute of Eye Microsurgery

In 2021, the Consumers and Users Organization named IMO the best ophthalmological center in the country. For more than a quarter of a century, the clinic's specialists have been successfully coping with the most complex vision problems in patients. The range of services includes therapeutic, optical, surgical, optometric assistance, as well as comprehensive diagnostics (including genetic) and postoperative consultations.

The results of its research work are considered a significant achievement of the center.

The territory of the institution occupies 24 thousand square meters, which houses 8 operating rooms, over 70 offices, a restaurant and its own parking. The operational block of the institute is equipped with the latest installations for carrying out all types of operations. It was here that, for the first time in the world, minimally invasive techniques were used for eye surgeries.

Every year, about 65 thousand patients from almost 100 countries of the world are treated at the center. Especially for them, the management of the clinic has created a Service Center for Foreigners, which not only helps to comfortably accommodate, but also offers translation services.

Servi Digest Medical Center

Servi Digest Clinic, located in the heart of Barcelona, ​​specializes in the following areas:

  • gastroenterology;
  • nutrition and dietetics;
  • endocrinology;
  • general surgery;
  • obesity;
  • metabolism and digestive system.

In addition, the center's specialists deal with the problems of oncology of the digestive tract organs.

The equipment of the diagnostic department makes it possible to carry out all types of instrumental and laboratory examinations, including MRI, CT, laparoscopy. It successfully applies such innovative techniques as:

  • elastography (determination of the state of liver tissue);
  • hydrocolonotherapy (gentle bowel cleansing).

The service for the treatment of obesity is in great demand. Several specialists work with such patients at once: a nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychologist, esthetician, exercise therapy expert.

Buchinger - clinic for curative fasting

The Buhinger Wilhelmi Medical Center is a unique place in Marbella, where, thanks to the efforts of the third generation of descendants of the great founder of the clinic, Otto Buchinger, the fasting technique is successfully practiced. The treatment program includes:

  • diet;
  • starvation;
  • special meals;
  • relaxation sessions.

All this is aimed at removing toxins, toxins, and harmful substances from the body. The daily diet of patients includes juices, vegetable soups, honey. For everyone who finds himself within the walls of this institution, an individual diet is developed.

The medical center sets itself several tasks at the same time:

  • fight against chronic diseases;
  • restoration of vitality;
  • elimination of spiritual imbalance;
  • maintaining physical fitness.

The program is based on a combination of modern methods of influencing the body and the most ancient practices of the East.

Sant Joan de Deu - children's clinic in Barcelona

This medical center is a leading institution in the field of medicine, where children, adolescents and young people (up to 21 years of age) are treated. The center is a fully-fledged independent pediatric unit at the University of Barcelona.

The annual figures for the Sant Joan de Deu Clinic are as follows:

  • 25 thousand hospitalizations;
  • 200 thousand outpatient visits;
  • 115 thousand cases of emergency assistance;
  • more than 14 thousand operations;
  • over 4,000 newborns.

The center is run by the Order of St. John of God. This organization contains a huge network of medical institutions around the world (50 countries).

The Barcelona hospital treats the most difficult diseases:

  • oncology (retinoblastoma, leukemia, neuroblastoma, etc.);
  • neurology (dystonia, epilepsy);
  • cardiology (arrhythmias);
  • orthopedics (scoliosis, complex implantations, arthrogryposis);
  • urology (congenital kidney dysfunction, disorders of the urinary system).

All cases of high-risk birth processes and fetal surgery are unique.

About 20% of patients arriving here for treatment are foreign citizens.

How much does treatment in Spanish clinics cost?

Prices for the services of local medical centers vary depending on the level of the institution. For example, treatment in Barcelona is likely to be more expensive than in Valencia or Madrid. The reason for this is the higher level of medicine in Catalonia, as well as the concentration of world-famous centers here.

The final estimate of the treatment can be drawn up only after a full examination, which will allow you to develop an individual approach to the impact on a particular disease. We give only approximate prices for key procedures:

ServicePrice in EUR
Hysterectomy10 000
Natural childbirth6500
Cesarean section9500
Surgical correction of the nasal septum27 000
Lens replacement5000
Rhinoplastyfrom 4000
Coronographyfrom 2700

In addition to the treatment itself, many patients will need rehabilitation, which will also have to be added to the amount of the check.

How to organize your trip

There are two options for the preparatory process:

  • through intermediaries in the field of medical tourism;
  • on one's own.

In the first case, the patient will be relieved of all the formalities and mandatory procedures that will have to go through before the trip:

  • collection of documents;
  • choice of clinic;
  • agreeing on the date of arrival and departure;
  • transfer;
  • placement;
  • flight.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the cost of travel will be much higher, since it will include the payment for the intermediary's services.

To organize a trip yourself, the following instructions will come in handy:

  1. Choose a clinic or doctor that specializes in the type of disease you are interested in. The contacts of the institution will always help you find its official website.
  2. Please send an email with your medical history and test results translated into Spanish or English.
  3. Receive confirmation that the medical center is ready to receive you.
  4. Pay your invoice.
  5. Wait for an invitation from the clinic, which will be needed in order to prepare a package of documents for the consulate.

The final stage is visa processing. In this case, an ordinary tourist visa of category C is most often issued, which will allow you to stay in the country for up to three months in half a year.

Summing up

Spanish medicine today is at the top of the ranking of the most developed in Europe. Together with affordable prices and high level of service, this makes the country the most popular destination for medical tourism. And given the fact that there are unique sights and natural areas on the territory of the state, the time in the clinic can undoubtedly be spent with double benefit.

The most popular among patients are cancer centers, reproductive medicine, neurosurgery and pediatrics clinics. They are equally interested in centers that combine modern techniques and principles of oriental medicine. You can organize a trip here with the help of intermediary firms or on your own - it all depends on what budget you can have.
