Tourist sites open to the public in the Chinese province of Hubei


On April 26, according to the Xinhua News Agency, 266 of the most visited tourist attractions, which are classified as "A", returned to work. These facilities are located in the central province of China - Hubei, which has become a hotbed of coronavirus infection in the winter. In percentage terms, 63.5% of the 100 sites resumed work. The Department of Local Tourism and Culture announced that 12 out of 266 tourist sites have the highest status of "5A". However, the most visited place and business card of the province - the Yellow Crane Tower, has not yet received visitors.

What restrictions remain

Before the May holidays, the Chinese government announced a list of bans that must be adhered to by organizers and leaders of tourist sites.

  1. It is forbidden to visit closed tourist sites.
  2. The flow of tourists in a single place should not increase 30% of the daily maximum.

All restrictions are aimed at preventing the emergence of new outbreaks of coronavirus disease.

Booking tickets for tourists is available only via the Internet
