Registration of the form on the composition of the family


A certificate of family composition is included in the category of those documents that citizens of the Russian Federation have to present when performing a number of legal transactions. Data on citizens living in one living space is recorded in a document of a strictly approved template, which is called Form 9. To obtain such a certificate, you should submit a written request to the housing office at the place of registration, or the passport office.

Sample form confirming registration

A certificate of family composition (Form 9), also referred to as a certificate of registration, or an extract from the house register, is a legal document that testifies to the fact of registration of specific persons at the specified address of a housing facility. Often, Form 9 is required to apply for a number of benefits and subsidies when applying to the departments of social protection of the population.

According to approved regulatory standards, a blank paper contains the following information:

  • Information of the recipient of the certificate;
  • The address of the location of the housing object;
  • List of persons who are registered in the same living space with the recipient of Form 9.

The content of the certificate details information such as:

  • The degree of kinship of the residents registered here;
  • Date of birth of all family members living in the apartment;
  • Date and type of registration of each person;
  • Data of the title deed for housing;
  • Object area and number of rooms.

It should be understood: in this case, the legal term "family" is used to refer to all persons living in one apartment (private house) without reference to the presence of family ties between them.

A typical template for an extract of registration of the place of residence of individuals looks like this:

Download a form of paper confirming the registration of a person's place of residence at a specific address. (word)

Download a form of paper confirming the registration of a person's place of residence at a specific address. (pdf)

Who is issued

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The legal owner of the housing object, or each of the persons registered in it, in the presence of the owner of the apartment, can apply for the issuance of such an extract. In the absence of the owner of the living space, you need to take care of writing a notarized power of attorney for these actions.

Where to contact

Russians can apply for an extract on the registration of family members:

  • To the departments of the Main Directorate of the VM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (passport offices);
  • MFC;
  • Housing offices at the place of registration;
  • To local municipalities.

You can also fill out an application for the issuance of a form on the online portal of the State Service.

Supplied papers

An extract in Form 9 is issued to the applicant on the basis of a written request, which indicates:

  • Details of the body where the application is submitted;
  • Full name and passport details of the applicant;
  • Information about the power of attorney from the owner of the living space;
  • The essence of the request;
  • Application date.

The appeal also includes:

  • A copy of the applicant's general civil passport;
  • A copy of the title deed for housing;
  • Owner's power of attorney, certified by a notary.

Dates of validity

The waiting time for the finished form is 5-7 working days after accepting the manufacturing request. Family composition certificate is up-to-date within 10 days from the moment of its official issue, after which it loses its legal force.

A certificate of registration of persons (Form 9), which is required when performing a number of legal transactions, can be obtained by the owner of the housing object, or by a resident registered here. Citizens of the Russian Federation can issue a paper according to a simple scheme by contacting the passport office, housing office, MFC, local municipality, on the State Service portal. The issuance of documents of this type is free of charge.

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