Sample salary certificate


Without a certificate of income, it is impossible to get a large loan from a bank, to issue guardianship, a visa, etc. Let us consider in more detail the structure of the document, as well as instructions for obtaining it.


This document does not have a single sample to fill out, it is drawn up in free form both on a computer and by hand.

It must contain the following information:

  • Name of the organization;
  • Information about the employee;
  • Average monthly salary;
  • The size of the salary actually accrued and received by the employee for a certain period of time;
  • (Recommended) The amount owed by the company to the employee at the time the certificate is issued, if any.

Why do you need

The form confirms someone's solvency. Usually it is requested by:

  • Bank for issuing a loan or mortgage;
  • FIU;
  • Tax inspection;
  • Embassy of another state for issuing a visa;
  • Court (to establish the amount of alimony);
  • Guardianship authorities to approve the adoption of a child;
  • When applying for a new place of work.

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Who issues

To receive a certificate of income, an employee must submit a written application to his employer. In addition to his certification, the document must also contain the signature of the chief accountant.

The form is issued within three working days from the date of the request. The management has no right to refuse to issue it. The validity period depends on the organization to which you need to submit the information, but usually it does not exceed 1 month.

Filling out the certificate

The standard fill pattern consists of several points.

1. Company Information:

  • Name taking into account its legal status: LLC, OJSC, CJSC, IE;
  • Bank details (TIN, R / s., K / s., BIK, KPP);
  • Contact details;
  • Time and place of filling.

2. Employee data:

  • Passport (series and number of the passport, date and place of issue);
  • TIN;
  • Confirmation that he really is an employee of the organization;
  • Position held;
  • Date of registration of the employment contract.

3. Table with information about income for a certain period of time, taking into account tax deductions.

4. The term of the employment contract.

After filling in all the items, the sheet must be signed by the general director and the chief accountant of the enterprise.

Registration of a certificate of income is carried out in a few simple steps, however, without this document, it is impossible to perform a number of actions in which confirmation of the citizen's solvency is necessary. It should also be noted that entering false information into the certificate is punishable by law.

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