How Russians live in Sweden


Sweden, like other Scandinavian countries, seems to potential Russian immigrants one of the most comfortable places to live. In fact, there are pros and cons here as well.

Who and why goes to Sweden

Sweden - a country of picturesque landscapes, mountain ranges and crystal lakes. But the main thing that attracts immigrants from Russia here is not the beauty of nature, but a high standard of living and a simple procedure for obtaining a residence permit, and in the future - and citizenship.

According to official statistics, today there are about 90,000 people living in Sweden, whose native language is Russian. Most of them are Russian women who have married Swedish citizens. There are also those who came here to get an education, and then decided to stay in the country forever.

In Sweden, not only free education, but also high scholarships that enable students not to be distracted by part-time work. True, in 2011, some universities introduced paid education for foreign citizens, but this did not reduce the number of applicants coming to the country.

Those who have managed to find qualified work in advance and receive a call from a reputable company also go to Sweden. This has a significant advantage, since the management of the company will take care of the preparation of the necessary documents for the new employee. Those who enter the country with a clear plan for organizing their own business can also obtain a residence permit in Sweden.

Adaptation and job search

In order to adapt in Sweden, you need to learn the language. Without his knowledge, the chances of getting a qualified job are practically zero. However, it is not too easy for those Russians who have successfully overcome the language barrier to find a job, and their salaries, as a rule, are lower than those of the indigenous population. In addition, they will have to undergo recertification to confirm their professional level.

The highest chances of finding a job in Sweden are among IT industry professionals, medical professionals and certain categories of engineers. Researchers are highly regarded.

Many of the former Russians have to take low-skilled jobs, however, the level of salaries is usually quite suitable for them.

Attitude towards Russians

Sweden is considered a tolerant country. Nevertheless, Russians are rather wary here. To earn respect from Swedish citizens, a native of Russia must be a wealthy, socially prosperous person and a qualified specialist.

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The Swedes are considered a closed nation and it is not so easy to make friends with them. True, the lack of communication can be compensated for by meeting immigrants from different countries, who make up 10% of the Swedish population.

For these reasons, not all Russians who come to Sweden stay there forever. However, those who built realistic goals, were able to learn the language and find a decent job, gain peace of mind and confidence in the future.
