Features of treatment in Europe: clinics, diseases, benefits


Health is the most valuable thing a person has. To maintain and restore it, many try to choose the best methods, medicines, doctors and clinics. European states are one of the most popular destinations in medical tourism today. This is due to many factors, ranging from the level of development of medicine, ending with comfortable living conditions and a climate favorable for recovery. What treatment in Europe gives and how to choose a medical institution, worries patients from different parts of the world.

Why spa treatment in Europe is in demand

As soon as a disease creeps into our body, the question of finding a suitable clinic and a good specialist appears on the agenda. And although the result of the treatment will also depend on the patient's genetics, it is still better not to make a mistake with the choice.

Health systems in some European countries (in particular, Germany and Switzerland) have reached a high level of development, covering all areas of medicine and affecting diseases of any part of the body. Such successes are due to sufficient funding from the state, which makes it possible not only to treat, but also to conduct all kinds of research, implementing the results obtained in practice.

European medicine is characterized by:

  • an interdisciplinary approach to disease management;
  • application of the latest scientific achievements;
  • use of advanced equipment;
  • involvement of the world's best luminaries in the field of medicine.

Special attention is paid to the training of medical personnel. Employees of clinics and hospitals are constantly undergoing refresher courses. Almost all major medical universities in Europe have clinics operating on their research base.

The geographical location of some countries and their natural resources make it possible to accelerate the process of recovery and rehabilitation. Those who need restoration at sea can look for a sanatorium in Spain, Italy, Greece, France. If the situation requires a stay at balneological resorts, you can choose the Czech Republic, Hungary and other countries rich in thermal and mineral springs, mud.

The cost of undergoing a course of treatment or rehabilitation in European clinics is difficult to attribute to an advantage. Prices are not always affordable for ordinary citizens.

But if we compare, for example, with programs in the United States, or consider the price-quality ratio, then the cost of medical services in Eastern and Central Europe, where our compatriots most often go, is quite moderate and democratic. But in the western and northern parts of Europe, not everyone can afford to restore health.

What countries are treated in

When choosing a medical institution, you need to pay attention to the specialization, opportunities and resources, and the natural conditions of the region. It would be a big mistake to choose a resort based only on your own preferences and such an indicator as comfort. To prevent this from happening, consider where and what disease should be treated.

Skin diseases

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, and therefore there are a lot of diseases associated with it. Mineral waters, climatic conditions, mud are used for their treatment. You can find the resources you need at the following resorts:

  1. Harkany (Hungary) - here they treat psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis, and chronic inflammatory skin processes. This area should be chosen by those who need treatment at the Dead Sea, but cannot afford it. The effectiveness of treatment with local waters is unlikely to be inferior to Israeli sanatoriums. In Harkani, a large number of sources containing carbon sulphide hit the surface.

Leading health resorts use them in a variety of methods of influencing the disease:

  • thermal baths;
  • mud therapy;
  • hydromassage;
  • carbonic baths.
  1. City of Smrdaki (Slovakia) - people come here with psoriasis, chronic eczema, atopic dermatitis, dermatomycosis, various forms of acne, scleroderma and neurodermatitis. The resort is located at the foot of the Carpathians. The treatment is carried out on the basis of mineral waters with a high level of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur. Sulfur mud is also mined here, which is formed underground due to the flow of hydrogen sulfide sources through the soil.

The specialists of the centers use the following methods of dealing with skin diseases:

  • warming up and wrapping;
  • baths using parchment;
  • whirlpool and pearl baths;
  • electrotherapy;
  • underwater massage.
  1. Spa Jachymov (Czech Republic) - in this region they are dealing with the solution of the problem of psoriasis, as well as patients who have undergone plastic post-burn operations. Jachymov is the first radon spa on the world map. Radon is a radioactive gas that is believed to be a source of mild alpha radiation with unique effects on the body.

The methods used in local sanatoriums can rightfully be called unique. One of them is brachycobalt therapy - treatment with Jáchymov capsules. The method is based on the use of gamma radiation as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.

The list of resorts where you can go with skin diseases is quite extensive:

  • hydrogen sulfide baths: sanatoriums on Lake Heviz in Hungary, Lendek and Zdroj (Poland);
  • radon baths: Loutraki (Greece), Lake Heviz (Hungary), Swieradow-Zdroj (Poland), Beile Felix (Romania), Kreuznach (Germany);
  • iodine-bromine baths: Busko-Zdroj (Poland), Debrecen (Hungary), Galzignano Terme (Italy);
  • thermal waters with naftalan: Ivanich Grad (Croatia), Moravske Toplice (Slovenia);
  • eczema and neurodermatitis: Prolom Banya (Serbia), Loutraki (Greece), Thalasso Strunyan (Slovenia), Kolobrzeg (Poland).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Almost all European resorts are engaged in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There are sanatoriums specializing in this problem (Teplice and Jachymov in the Czech Republic, Piestany in Slovakia, Hungarian Heviz, Italian Abano Terme), and those where this direction is associated.

All of them differ in therapeutic factors that are different in their content:

  • in Slovakia - hydrogen sulfide water and sulfuric mud;
  • in Hungary - silt peat mud and thermal water;
  • in the Czech Republic - radon and sulphate-hydrocarbonate-sodium water;
  • in Italy - iodine-bromine water.

The classical methods of treatment in combination with physiotherapy are adhered to in Jachymov, Piešтяany and Teplice. Italian specialists focus on mud wraps and thermal baths. But in Heviz, they build a healing process based on bathing in a lake with thermal water, mud applications and stretching the spine.

With a disease such as scoliosis, the choice of a German or Belgian blade will be unmistakable. It is here that excellent results have been achieved thanks to the use of the latest surgical and non-surgical methods. Attention should be paid to the Nord Alliance network of medical centers, the Solengen clinic, the Helios network of clinics and the academic hospital at the University of Hamburg.

It is advisable to choose any other sanatorium to solve problems with the musculoskeletal system when it is necessary to combine the treatment of several diseases at once in different parts of the body.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

The top positions in all kinds of ratings for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are always occupied by Austrian clinics. It is believed that the heart is treated here by the Alps. The benefits include:

  • moderate climatic conditions;
  • a large number of mineral springs;
  • clean air and ecology;
  • preparation of Austrian centers for the reception of cardiological patients.

The most famous resorts: Baden, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Bad Ischl, Bad Hall.

An excellent choice would be Czech health resorts located in Teplice and Marianske Lazne, Podebrady.

The Slovenian resort of Radenci has authority. Patients with the following diseases and conditions are treated here:

  • heart surgery;
  • hypertension;
  • postinfarction condition;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • small blood vessel disease;
  • angina pectoris and many others.

You can also pay attention to the sanatoriums of Hungary (Balatonfüred) and Germany (Ban Kissingen). People come here if they have:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • headache;
  • atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels;
  • damage to the heart muscle.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Spa treatment is an excellent alternative to medication for diseases of the digestive system. There are many centers that deal with this problem in Europe.

Let's name the leading sanatoriums to which you should pay attention:

  1. Slovenia, Rogaska Slatina - this resort has surpassed even Karlovy Vary in terms of the healing properties of its mineral waters. Anyone can be treated here - there are no contraindications to receiving water from springs. And most importantly, patients do not complain about getting used to it. Here they treat all types of diseases of the intestinal tract, as well as deal with the problem of excess weight and diseases such as diabetes.
  2. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary - this part of Europe does not need advertising. Anyone who suffers from diseases of the digestive system, or has already been here, or heard that it must be done. At the local resorts, you can combine the treatment of diseases of different parts of the body. There are 12 springs here, the water of which is indicated for patients with obesity, diabetes mellitus of both types, with impaired metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Italy, Montecatini Terme - sanatoriums in this region successfully treat gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The resort has five springs, the waters of which are used for drinking cures. This place is popular with politicians, actors, famous personalities.
  4. France, Vichy - one of the most famous spa resorts in Europe. Here they treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach, and also help to reduce weight, get rid of food allergies, and normalize metabolism.

In all centers and sanatoriums, the beginning of treatment is preceded by intestinal diagnostics, consultations with specialists, and the necessary tests. Only a health resort specialist can prescribe drinking cure for patients with this type of disease.

The content of nutrients and the composition of water in different regions differ significantly. It is important to know exactly how to take this or that drinking course (speed and frequency of drinking, compatibility with other procedures and other nuances) so that the treatment does not lead to a complication of the problem.

Treatment of rheumatism and arthritis

Joint diseases in Europe are treated in almost every country. Most of all in this matter succeeded in Austria, Greece, Germany, Spain, Slovakia, Italy, Finland, Czech Republic and Switzerland. The latest developments in the field of orthopedics, rheumatology, arthrology and physiotherapy are actively used here.

To cure rheumatoid arthritis here are used:

  • cryogenic effects on joints;
  • biological therapy;
  • ultrasound;
  • cleansing the blood from autoimmune bodies;
  • medications.

When choosing a resort, do not pay attention to the following regions:

  • Austria, Bad Gastein - an intensive program has been developed here, including radon therapy procedures, thermal water treatment under the watchful supervision of specialists;
  • Slovenia, Strunjan is a seaside resort, whose health resorts offer individually designed methods in combination with water procedures and aerotherapy.
  • Germany, Salzschrieff - the Tomeza sanatorium, unique in its kind, is located here. Joint treatment is based on the optimal combination of salt water and sun, the mechanism of action of which is very similar to the healing properties of the Dead Sea.
  • Slovakia, Piestany - famous for its mineral waters and mud.

Dental services

Dental treatment and prosthetics in Europe are of excellent quality and high prices. Germany is famous for using the latest advances in this field, the use of quality equipment and professional doctors.

Germany is competing with Hungary. Not only Russians come here, but also residents of other European countries: dentist services can be obtained at a fairly high level and much cheaper than in German, Austrian or Swiss clinics.

You can go on a dental tour to any country in Europe, but if you intend to save money, then it should be:

  • Bulgaria;
  • Greece;
  • Czech;
  • Hungary.

For example, Greek dentists provide services for a fairly modest fee, but the materials themselves will cost no less than in other countries.

Dental treatment is not the only manipulation for which foreigners travel to Europe. Implantation is in great demand. The price range is very wide:

  • Hungary - from 750 euros;
  • Germany - from 1100 euros;
  • Ireland - about 3000 euros.

And this is only for the implant itself, the doctor's work will cost about the same.

Asthma and bronchitis treatment

One of the key factors that affect the healing process in diseases such as emphysema, bronchitis, asthma is clean air. Most of the European countries are excellent places for patients with such diagnoses. The air here is truly clean, free of dust and toxins, saturated with oxygen and trace elements from natural sources.

Where to go:

  • Poland, a medical center based on the Wieliczka salt mine. The treatment here is based on specially developed breathing exercises, which are carried out in the conditions of the specific microclimate of the salt tunnels. Sanatorium "Salt Mines Bochnia" treats children suffering from respiratory diseases.
  • Hungary. One of the most famous resorts here is the city of Tapolca. There is a natural cave in which the therapy of the respiratory system is carried out.
  • Romania. The popularity of the state was brought about by speleological hospitals located at a depth of 120 meters underground. For patients, rooms for procedures, a playground, rest rooms are equipped. All this allows you to carry out the necessary 4 hours of treatment with comfort.
  • Slovenia. Lung diseases in this region are influenced by the sea air, saturated with the aromas of the pine forest. The climatic resort in the town of Strunjan has become very popular.
  • Italy. Pay attention to the Fiuggi resort, where there is an inhalation center, where treatment is carried out on the basis of Telese thermal water certified in the country. People come here with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, chronic inflammatory diseases, otosclerosis, tuberculosis.
  • Germany. Some of the largest inhalers in Europe are located here. They can be found in the resorts of Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kissingen, Bad Reichenhall.

Treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases

Urological diseases are the main specialization of many Czech spas. Pay attention to Marianske Lazne. Methods for influencing diseases are based on the use of peat mud, physiotherapy, natural carbon dioxide, and electrical procedures.When treating only kidneys, a drinking course of mineral water is used.

But the Czech Republic is not the only country where you can go if you have diseases of this order:

  • Bulgaria, the resort of Hisar. The healing water of the region is used in the treatment of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, conditions after lithotripsy, prostatitis.
  • Italy, Fiuggi resort. The great Michelangelo also called the water that comes to the surface here from sources, moisture, which is capable of crushing stones.
  • Slovakia, resort Turcianski Teplice. Local health resorts are building treatment on the use of thermal mineral water. Basic techniques: drinking cure, massages, physiotherapy exercises, hydrotherapy.

In Austria, the resort of Laa an der Thaya is popular, in Germany - Baden-Baden, Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kissingen.

Top countries to treat epilepsy, depression, schizophrenia

Europe is also one of the best places to treat mental disorders and depression. In almost every state, you can easily find a clinic that deals with neurological problems.

In Germany, medical institutions have succeeded in this area:

  • clinic "Charite",
  • Berlin Center "Vivantes",
  • Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Freiburg.

The following methods are preferred here:

  • classes in therapeutic groups, individual sessions;
  • work with obsessive fears;
  • art therapy;
  • safe medicines.

British experts build the process of influencing the disease in a slightly different way. Neurasthenia and depression are treated here with:

  • acupuncture, aromatherapy, physical education;
  • complete rejection of even the weakest drugs.

Such techniques are followed in the English hospital of Wellington and in the London Bridge Hospital. In many sanatoriums in the Czech Republic, Italy and Spain, patients with depression are rescued by means of natural resources (sea, air, mineral waters), moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air, and building positive thinking.

Schizophrenia is another mental disorder that is dealt with in European clinics and centers. Let's name just a few institutions:

  • Poland, Gdansk - Clinical Center of the Medical University;
  • Germany, Berlin - Charite Clinic and Havelhee Hospital;
  • Spain, Barcelona - Teknon Medical Center;
  • Spain, Pamplona - University Hospital of Navarra.

At the end of the 19th century, leading European neurologists proved that the best results in the treatment of neurological diseases can be achieved in resort conditions in mountainous areas. That is why patients with diagnoses of epilepsy, impaired cerebral apparatus and other abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system choose sanatoriums located at the foot of the mountain ranges. Most often these are health resorts of the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Switzerland.

Top 5 best European resorts

The reputation and position in various ratings have a great influence on the choice of a medical institution. Therefore, it is rather difficult to unequivocally point to the best sanatoriums.

Let's name the five most popular regions for health restoration:

  1. Italy, Montecatini Terme (Tuscany). Located between the Tyrrhenian Sea and Florence. There are 5 springs with mineral water, 3 - with iodine waters, thermal mud. People come here with diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, with nervous disorders.
  2. Hungary, Budapest, Szechenyi Bath. It is considered the largest in Europe. Water rises from the bowels of the earth from a depth of 1256 meters. Rest in this region is recommended in the presence of gynecological, rheumatic, skin diseases, as well as in case of deviations in the work of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary. The largest thermal resort in the country: 12 springs, the water temperature in which ranges from 41-73 degrees. Doctors recommend coming here for diseases of the digestive system, diabetes, obesity, metabolic disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, stress and depression.
  4. Austria, Baden. Located in the vicinity of Vienna. Attracts patients with sulfurous springs, is very popular in the circles of the creative intelligentsia. Treatment in Baden is indicated in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders.
  5. Germany, Baden-Baden. The famous resort is located in the shade of the trees of the equally famous Black Forest. Many tourists prefer this place due to the high quality of service, a variety of procedures, and picturesque nature. The emphasis here is on procedures for cleansing the body, rehabilitation after surgery, treatment of blood diseases, respiratory system, nervous disorders.

Top 5 European Cancer Clinics

Patients diagnosed with cancer very often choose European medical institutions to deal with this ailment. And this is not accidental, because it is here that some of the strongest and most progressive centers in the world function today. The leading ones include:

  1. Germany, clinic of Nuremberg. It unites several structural divisions: the Institute of Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer and many others. The hospital has been awarded the high quality badge of honor by the German Cancer Society.
  2. Germany, Clinic at the University of Freiburg. The history of the medical institution has been going on for over 230 years. The success rate in the treatment of metastases in the liver and lungs, blood cancer, female oncology and neoplasms in the brain here is one of the highest in Europe. Every year over 200 bone marrow transplants and about 25 thousand chemotherapy procedures are performed here.
  3. Germany, Asklepios hospital network. About 2 million patients come here annually from all over the world. The most respected cancer centers are located in Hamburg.
  4. Austria, Vienna, Central Clinical Hospital. The hospital has been in existence for over 320 years. Its specialists not only deal with the treatment of oncological diseases, but also carry out active research work.
  5. Spain, Barcelona, ​​Teknon clinic. It is believed that the largest number of world luminaries in oncology works here: Antonia Russi (neurologist), Bartolomé Oliver (neurosurgeon), Antonio de Lasi (oncosurgeon) and others.

Opening a visa

After the medical institution has been selected, you can proceed to requesting a visa authorization at the consulate. To submit it, you will need an invitation from the hospital, a doctor's conclusion with a diagnosis, insurance and financial support for the trip. You need to contact the representative office of the country in which the clinic or sanatorium is located.

To leave for treatment, you will need a visa category C - tourist. On its basis, it will be possible to spend 90 days in Europe within six months.

If this is not enough, you can apply for a visa extension, attaching to the application confirmation of the circumstances that force you to stay for a longer treatment.


Many patients opt for European resorts and clinics due to the high level of development of medicine, rich natural resources and excellent quality of service. People come here with diseases of the skin, respiratory system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system, nervous and mental disorders.

Europe is also known for leading cancer centers applying the latest developments in the fight against cancer.
